Is that what you want?

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Summary: Big fight between y/n and Eddie. A lot of dialog.

Word count: 2.7k

"This is the 3rd night in a row you have been late Eddie" to say y/n is pissed, was definitely an understatement; Livid more like.

Eddie has showed up past midnight three times this week, After saying he wasn't going to do it again.

"I told you a hundred times, I'm sorry y/n, jeez. Get off my back" Eddie stumbled to pull his pants off.

"Are you drunk?" Y/n's eyes narrowed, for some reason this just made her more upset.
"Maybe" Eddie giggled falling to the bed.

Watching as Eddie struggled to take his shoes and pants off, y/n could feel something bubbling up inside of her, something that she had been wanting to say for a while now.

"Eddie, I'm so sick of this! We bought a home together! I work full time to keep us afloat, and you, you just go to school, play with your little sheep for hours and hours on end! And then you want to go get shit faced at a bar?" Y/n paced the carpeted floor, with her hands pulling at her hair.

"I work too! Corroded coffins been getting gigs and I sell, to help us out" Eddie's words were slurred slightly, yeah definitely drunk.

"Instead of coming home, you go out, instead of spending time with me, you're not here. We see eachother for 30 minutes a day, and that's because I force myself to stay up, waiting for you. I should be in bed!" Tears filled y/n's eyes, she just had to get her feelings out or else she may explode.

"I have to work at 6 in the morning Ed's, it's almost 2 am.. how does that make you feel, huh? That I have to wait for you to come home, so I can be sure you're safe"

"Nobody asked you to wait for me" Eddie let out a loud groan, clearly over the conversation. "Are you serious right now?"

"Yeah I am! Just go to bed, y/n I didn't ask you to wait up for me"

"Yeah but you do ask me to wake you up before I go to work, you ask me to make you pancakes with the smiley faces on them, you ask me to make you your lunch, you ask me to make dinner. You see Eddie? Ever since we moved in together, it's been like this! I'm not even your princess anymore."

Those words hurt Eddie more than y/n even realized it. When had he stopped treating her like a Princess? It's been so long. "I'm not your mom Eddie, I'm your girlfriend. I have been for 5 years, we are both 20. It's time to grow up"

"Well maybe if you weren't so dependent on me, you'd feel different" the words falling from Eddie's mouth were coming out like word vomit, he could stop it.

"Dependent on you? Eddie you're dependent on me!"

"Maybe if you would actually try to go out with your friends instead of sitting at home on your days off, or begging me to hang out with you, you'd feel different"

"I shouldn't have to beg you to hang out with me eddie" the tears were shamelessly falling down y/n's face, as she looked at a picture that was hung on the wall. Her and Eddie, on their 3rd anniversary, they were both eighteen, and Eddie bought her, her first promise ring.

"Then stop! I want to live my life, you should live yours. Fuck buying this house was a mistake" Eddie was still laying on the bed, pants halfway down his legs.

What? He didn't want to live with me? Was the past year a mistake?

"Maybe we just weren't ready for this step in life" Eddie continued

"What are you saying? Should we just break up ?" the words flew out of y/n's mouth out of anger, not because she actually meant it. How could he say they weren't ready to live together? It had been 4 years when they decided to move in together. 4 whole years of Eddie being such a gentleman, 4 whole years of them taking care of the other.

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