Little Miss Sunshine

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This one is a monster so buckle up. I always try to make it easy to read when we are bouncing around from present to past so anything in italics is going to be a memory from the past or a thought. Sometimes the memory bits are a little long, but I try to separate it with a bit of space between past and present paragraphs :)

Sorry for the long intro BUT this is going to have some DARK themes. If you are not comfortable with mentions of murders, blood, or knife play, please just skip this one.

For those of you who are as sick as me 🤪 please enjoy!

Word count: 10.4k

"Hello?" Y/n picked up the phone hanging on the kitchen wall.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered.

"Who is this?" Y/n asked holding the phone between her shoulder and her ear, dragging the spiral cord out as far as she could to go back to cutting up her watermelon and cantaloupe. Her mom told her to eat them before they go bad.

"Who is this?" The voice replied.

"I asked you first" y/n rolled her eyes. She continued to make loud cuts to the melon, almost nicking herself in the process.

"Come on, what's your name?" The voice said with a slight tinge of mockery in it. She could tell whoever was speaking to her was smirking.

"I think you got the wrong number buddy" y/n turned around to hang up the phone.
The loud ring of it hanging up echoed in the kitchen. She turned her attention back to the watermelon, she listened to the tv in the background playing the news. She was home alone, her parents out of town for the week... in Hawaii for their 25 year anniversary.

The phone ringing again about 30 seconds after she hung up made her groan, she thought maybe this time it was Robin telling her she was on the way.

"Robin, are you finally leaving" y/n asked picking up the phone again without a proper hello.

"Sorry I think I dialed the wrong number again" the same voice from before answered.

"All is forgiven, have a good night" y/n went to hang up the phone again.

"Wait wait wait" the voice said with a small laugh.

"What's up?" Y/n asked groaned softly closing her eyes. She prayed she could hang up soon.

"I just wanted to say sorry"

"You already did, and I said it was fine" y/n twisted the cord between her fingers.

"What are you doing?" The voice asked avoiding y/ns statement.

"Cutting up some watermelon" y/n replied looking down at the juices running all over the cutting board.

"Oh you like watermelon?"

"I do, but cantaloupe is my favorite" y/n smiled picking up the knife to continue to cut the fruit. Cantaloupe isn't really her favorite, she wasn't sure why she lied to the mystery person. She just thought it was funny to tell a stranger a lie and he would have no idea.

"So what's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" Y/n laughed as the man was dragging out the conversation. She thought it was kind of funny since she had nothing better to do, so why not entertain him for a moment. It couldn't hurt.

"Just wanna know who I'm talking to" the voice was deep and sounded raspy, maybe an older male, probably late twenties or early thirties.

"I don't think it matters" y/n laughed going back to her fruit.

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