
6.6K 60 28

🚨Trigger warning🚨
Eating disorder/purging

Summary: y/n had been hiding her eating disorder from Eddie, not wanting him to find how how she's actually been losing weight.

Word count: 2.7k

"Are you okay?" I heard Eddie's voice come from the outside of the door. His soft voice made me freeze, shit shit shit. He cannot see me like this.

Let me back up, about 5 months ago, to where it all started.

"Hey can I copy your notes?" Eddie asked quickly while the teacher had stepped out of the classroom.

"Sure" I looked up to see the smiling long-haired boy. Eddie Munson is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my whole life. Thinking about him gives me butterflies.

"Thanks, darling" he gave a quick wink at me, definitely making me blush. I looked away quickly so he wouldn't notice the shade of pink my cheeks turned.

I've always struggled with my weight growing up, my mom always used to count my calories and give me the correct serving size on the box as a kid. So when my parents fell asleep I would just binge eat out of the kitchen pantry and the fridge.  Resulting in me being overweight, resulting in me being self conscious compared to the other little girls in school.

Eddie Munson and I have been acquaintances for the past year or so, getting to know one another through our class notes... well I guess I should say my notes, he copies everything I write down. We have almost every single class together and we sit next to each other in every single class, yet somehow this kid can barely even remember my name.

He's always asking me for an extra pencil that I'll never see again as he loses it before the end of the day. Or a piece of gum, or if I have any snacks. To which I would give him anything he asked for.

The little crush I developed on Eddie Munson evolved quickly, from little snowflakes to a rapid hail storm. Not giving me much time to adjust to the sudden fever I grew.

"Oh I brought you a Pop tart" I reached into my bag to pull out Eddie's favorite strawberry pop tart.
"thank you, darling. You didn't have to do that for me" Eddie smiled graciously taking the small package out from my hand.

"well you were gonna ask me for it anyways so might as well" I smiled passing him a pencil so he could actually copy my notes.

"Hey what are you doing later?" Eddie asked says he took a bite of the pastry.

"Um nothing really exciting just gonna watch a movie and order some Chinese food, my parents are out of town so I'm free for the weekend" I let him know my plans for tonight. Probably the most boring plans he ever heard.

"Cool maybe you can order Chinese for two and I'll show up" Eddie smiled inviting himself to hang out with me.

"you wanna come over to my house.. and watch Sixteen Candles with me?" I cocked my head to the side, not really understanding.
"Yeah why not it could be fun" Eddie shrugged.

"Um okay" I smiled back at him, agreeing to this plan.
I quickly jotted down my address and handed it over to him.

"You know instead of me driving solo do you want me just to give you a ride? And we can go together" Eddie passed the slip of paper back to my desk.

"I would but I have to go run some errands right after school but thank you" I then slipped the piece of paper back over to him, patting it softly as it laid of the wooden desk.

"I can help you run your errands" Eddie took the paper and placed it into his back pocket.

I could feel this overwhelming excitement build up inside of my body. Eddie Munson wanted to hang out with me me? He wanted to run errands with me, for what reason?

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