Forgive Me Father

11.8K 128 136

Summary: Eddie helps out his innocent best friend.

Word count: 5.4k

Y/n Y/l/n was the undoubtably the sweetest most precious girl Eddie Munson had ever met. The sweet catholic girl made friends with the supposed devil worshiper. This sweet girl walked around in little pink skirts and soft cardigans, she wore knee high socks and Mary Jane heels. Y/n never took off her gold cross necklace, it is her staple.
Somehow 3 years ago she wound up finding Eddie, knocking at his door to pass out pamphlets for her fathers brand new church that just opened up.
That innocent 15 year old instantly caught 17 year old Eddie's attention.

She wasn't sure how it happened but everyday she wound up hanging out with Eddie Munson, telling him it was bad to smoke, telling him if he drinks anything but wine it was a sin.
Eddie was the ultimate sinner in y/ns eyes. But she found herself over looking his sins, by telling herself "hate the sin, love the sinner".
She prayed every night, even when she stayed at Eddie's house. Kneeling in front of his bed with her hands held up to her face, saying her prayers to the Holy Trinity.

Eddie respected her and let her have her privacy, he couldn't help but think it was cute when she sat in that almost skimpy silky tank top and short shorts, on her knees in front of his bed. It was wrong, but he couldn't help but imagine him sitting on the edge of that bed, with y/n on her knees in front of him.

If there was a God, Eddie was seriously sorry for thinking that about one of his most devoted followers.
Y/ns father seriously disapproved of Eddie, but y/n convinced him that she was converting Eddie, when in reality they were just hanging out. Eddie did have lots of questions about y/ns religion, to which y/n was happy to talk about. It was how she grew up, it is what she believes.
Y/n always said she was staying at her friends house, but she would wait outside her friends house after her father dropped her off and waiting for the loud music from around the corner. She later would pray for forgives for lying to her father.

Their friendship was quite cute, y/n listened to Eddie's many stories about every way life has fucked him. They had such a good time being friends, there was always something to talk about and always something to laugh about. Eddie always made sure no one made fun of y/n for her beliefs. He always made sure she had a safe space when she wasn't at home. He was her safe space.

Although they did turn heads when people saw Eddie's edgy appearance next to y/ns soft girl appearance.
The catholic girl and the freak, is what many of their peers referred to them as.

"You coming over tonight?" Eddie asked leaning over to whisper in y/ns ear during their last class of the day. Eddies breath felt especially good today, sending a shiver down y/ns spine.
Y/n nodded keeping her eyes on the projector as the teacher went over the lesson.
"Dustin and Gareth want to come too, they won't stay the night though" Eddie continued to whisper into y/ns ear, feeling his breath in her hear created a warm feeling in y/ns stomach. Something she had never felt before.
"You can just give me a ride, I already told my dad I was getting a ride with Nancy" y/n whispered back making Eddie smile.

"Hey hey! Ladies always ride in the front, have some manners, fellas" Eddie shushed his friends as they fought over the passenger seat.
Eddie opened the door for y/n as he always did, allowing her to take her time getting comfortable.
"You're so lame" Gareth said before sidling open the side door.
"It's called being a gentleman" Eddie squinted his eyes closing the passenger door softly.

Y/n and Dustin sat sober as Eddie and Gareth smoked a joint. The three of them laughed about whatever they could think of. Eddie went to light a cigarette, furrowing his eyebrows as he waved the lighter in front of the stick. Something about that made y/n feel the same warm feeling in her stomach, finding it incredibly attractive. She was staring at Eddie, shifting uncomfortably in her seat on Eddie's bed.
"You want some?" Eddie smirked seeing y/ns eyes on him.
"Oh no thank you" y/n gave a soft smile tearing her eyes from Eddie. "Why would she want some, dude?" Dustin laughed at Eddie's question.
"Maybe she likes to be corrupted, I mean she's friend with you." Gareth butted in.
"I'm friends with all of you! Eddie's just my best friend"
"Oh yeah, we hear about all your sleepovers" Gareth wiggled his eyebrows at the two.
"No never like that" Eddie rolled his eyes.

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