Eyes Up Here

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Summary: Y/n got nipple piercings and Eddie wants to see.

Word count: 1.9k

Y/n has had her nipples pierced for quite sometime now. It made her feel good about herself. It was just a decision she made over the winter break not thinking much of it.

She didn't have a boyfriend or anyone she was really interested in, so why not? It made her feel like a total badass.

"Hey Eddie!" Y/n called opening the door to let in her friend. "Hey, y/n. Jeez it's so cold outside" Eddie rubbed his hands together while stepping into y/ns home.

"Thank you for coming over, just with all the random break ins, I didn't feel safe by myself" y/n made sure to lock her front door, not wanting anyone not welcome to come in.

"It's no problem really, I'm glad you think I'd be able to protect you" Eddie chuckled taking his back pack off and opening it up. "I stole a couple of these" Eddie said casually, pulling out two bottles of whisky.

"You stole them and you chose some shitty whisky" y/n took one of the bottles out of Eddie hand.
"You could say thank you" Eddie scoffed setting the other bottle down on the counter.

"So our power has been going on and off since the storm, we should just go to my room, since we can conserve heat in one room"

Eddie followed y/n up the stairs to her bedroom.
Eddie and y/n have really never had any feelings toward each other. Just best friends, who spend a lot of time together. Sure, Eddie thought y/n is absolutely gorgeous, but nothing more than that.

The two sat in y/ns lamp lit room, gossiping about random things they heard throughout the week. "Yeah and I heard she's pregnant"
"Eddie how did you even hear that?" "Connor, he buys from me, and sometimes we smoke, and when he smokes he shares secrets" Eddie nodded grabbing his bag once more.
"Speaking of smoke, I figured we could" Eddie pulled out a little baggy of shake, making y/n smirk, she would never pass up and opportunity to get crossed.

"Tell me something I don't know about you" Eddie said while taking a drag from his joint that he just rolled.

"Hmm, I think you know- oh wait" y/n smirked suddenly knowing she had a secret that not even Eddie knew.
"What is it! Tell me" Eddie lifted his head from the pillow to look at y/n who was straddling his lap.

Again, this wasn't unusual for them, they have been friends since they were babies.

"I can't tell you! What if you want proof" y/n shook her head taking the joint from Eddie's lips.
"Maybe I will want proof but maybe I won't, just tell me" Eddie begged placing his hands on y/n hips, shaking her slightly. This action made her cough up the smoke in her lungs.

Honestly, y/n was surprised Eddie couldn't tell, but maybe he didn't look at her boobs, because friends don't do that.
Y/n had been wearing a black crop top that you could see the outline of her piercings in, but only if you really paid attention. If you didn't know, you wouldn't even notice.

"Promise you won't freak" y/n put the joint back between Eddie's lips, so he could take another hit. His head moved eagerly, as his hands left y/ns hips.

"I have my nipples pierced" y/n choked out almost awkwardly. Eddie's eyebrows furrowed slightly letting his eyes drop to her chest. He looked back and forth from each boob, when he saw it. The subtle outline of metal bars.
"Holy shit!" Eddie laughed out making his eyes wide. "That's so badass, y/n" Eddie nodded, trying to ignore is own filthy thoughts.

"Okay now you" y/n distracted Eddie from how quickly his mind wondered.

"One time I used your tooth brush" Eddie admitted. "That's disgusting" y/n laughed pinching her thumb and pointer finger together a few times asking for the joint.

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