The 7 Tests

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Summary: y/n is pregnant and is scared to tell her boyfriend of 4 years.

Word count: 2.4k

"Fuck fuck fuck" y/n whispered staring back at the small stick on her counter.
Y/n had never seen a more positive pregnancy test. The lines were crystal clear, no mistaking it.

"Oh my god" y/n breathed out holding it in her hand. Y/ns eyes started to water, realizing the impact this was going to have on her life. She's only 20, how can she be pregnant?
Well she knows how she got pregnant, just, they were so careful.

"Eddie's gonna be pissed"
Y/n whispered to herself. Y/n had decided to sit on it for a couple of days, to figure out how she was going to tell him.
Over the course of the next few days, eddie started to question why y/n didn't want to smoke or drink with him. Y/n always wanted to partake in Eddie's bad decisions. Although, partaking in the last of Eddie's bad decision got her into this mess.

"Robin what should I do" y/n asked her friend of 2 years. Y/ns family had been friends with the Buckleys since decades ago, so naturally y/n befriended Robin Buckley.

"I think you need to tell him" Robin wasn't someone who lied, she always told her friends what they needed to hear, not what they wanted to hear.

"I think he's gonna hate me" y/n chewed on her bottom lip, anxious about what was going to follow.
"He can't hate you! It takes two to make a baby, so it's not just your fault."
Y/n probably should've told Eddie first but it's too late now. Robin knows the big secret, although she wouldn't tell a soul, secrets with Robin are always safe.

Y/n quietly made her way into Eddie's home, as she had a key.

"Eddie" Y/n called opening up his bedroom door, to reveal a shirtless Eddie, he wore pajama pants as he sat on his messy bed, messing with the strings on his guitar. He looks so handsome.

"Hi princess, what are you doing over here so early in the morning?" Eddie looked up to see his girlfriend standing in her work clothes. "I have something really important I need to tell you" y/n rocked on her heel, unsure if she should actually tell him or just pretend she never knew until she went into labor.

This was the only time to tell him, their schedules were completely opposite for the next two weeks, that would be two whole weeks of keeping the secret from him. Y/n couldn't take another second of him not knowing, let alone two weeks.

"Okay, what is it? " Eddie said setting guitar to the side patting a small spot on the bed for his girlfriend.
Y/n pulled out one of the many pregnancy test she took, slowly passing it over to him, not saying anything.

"What is this?" Eddie looked at y/n confused, grasping the small stick between his large fingers. "Eddie you know what it is" y/n responded looking at Eddie's eyes scan over the test.
"Is this a joke?" Eddie asked looking at y/n in disgust. His heart jumped up to his throat, Eddie didn't want kids, he has never wanted kids. This is something y/n knew about since they started dating. To be honest she didn't really want kids either, they wanted to travel and be free their whole lives, but together.

Y/n shook her head, replying with a small no. Allowing the few tears that had built up to slip for her eyes down to her cheeks.

"Are you serious?" Eddie stood up quickly leaving her alone on the bed. He turned back to look at y/n with a horrified look on his face. He's not happy about this at all, neither was y/n. But Eddie seemed to be horrified, panicking more than Y/n did.

"You need to take another one, this one has to be wrong" Eddie said waving around the stick.

"Eddie it's not I've taken a few I'm pregnant" y/n said. It was the first time she actually said it out loud, it sounded kind of nice coming from her lips.

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