The Tattoo

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Summary: y/n gets a tattoo and is scared to show Eddie

Word count: 1.8k

"I don't know if he's gonna like it Robin" Y/n walked anxiously out of the tattoo shop, almost regretting what She had done.
"I think he will like it, you're just thinking too much" Robin smiled at me, Y/n is just really praying she's not lying. 

Y/n just finished getting her first tattoo, a small little bat just on the outside of her bikini line on her hip. An homage to Eddie and his bats.

After three years of dating and nearly 6 years of friendship y/n still want to impress Eddie, never leaving him unsatisfied.

After almost losing her best friend to some demon bats in a parallel dimension several months ago, y/n couldn't think of another way to honor him.

When Y/n was holding his almost lifeless body in her arms, brushing his hair out of his face listening to him speak brokenly, she thought of getting a tattoo for Eddie even if he didn't die. Y/n still hurts every single day thinking of Eddie and the pain he went through for weeks following.

"Robin I'm literally so scared, I'm gonna start throwing up" y/n said as they pulled up to the Munson trailer. Robin just about threw herself out of the car, she had heard so much about y/n hoping he doesn't hate it she could barely take it anymore.

But once at the door Robin saw the way y/n was anxiously biting her lip, actually scared of Eddie's reaction.

"Dude chill you know he's gonna love it, he loves you, he will love it" Robin pat y/ns shoulder softly before knocking on the door.

"Hi baby, hi Robin" Eddie answered the door allowing his girlfriend and friend to step in.
"Hi Ed's" y/n  said before giving Eddie a kiss on the cheek.

The whole gang was already there, sitting around the floor, with blankets and pillows thrown about.

"So Were thinking Motel hell or Children of the corn or even Friday the 13th, or we can go crazy and watch two of those" Eddie said finishing up the last of his microwave popcorn.

Y/n sat anxiously on the couch not paying attention to anyone else and their conversations. Just more nervous about what Eddie would think about her tattoo.

"Yeah we can definitely do anything you want" y/n and looked around aimlessly refusing to make eye contact with Eddie, with anyone really.
Y/n always makes eye contact, it's something she feels really strong about, she want wants the other person she's taking to, to know that she is listening to them.

"Princess, what's wrong? We can watch anything else We just figured we all love to see scary movies so that's why we picked those."

"No it's not that I just have something to tell you." Y/n smiled up at Eddie softly, now making eye contact with him, to make him feel a little better.
"Oh my god you're not pregnant are you?" Eddie chuckled passing the last bowl of popcorn out to Nancy and Jonathan.

Y/n didn't answer, maybe being pregnant would be better than this.

"Y/n, baby, you're not pregnant are you?" Eddie said a little more sterling this time, making everyone kind of quiet down, now listening to their conversation.

"No no I'm not I promise, just something else and I'm not too sure how you're going to react"

Eddie gulped sitting down on his knees in front of his girlfriend who is sitting down on the couch. His hands pat her legs, rubbing up and down on the cotton fabric covering them.

"You can tell me anything, unless it's gonna hurt my feelings then don't tell me" Eddie joked to liven up the mood a little bit.

"I got a tattoo" y/n whispered pursing her lips not knowing how he was gonna react

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