Just Say No

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This isnt my favorite y'all.. I promise something good and dramatic will come soon. I have a wild idea that I want to write about, so please stay tuned for that!

Word count: 5.5k
Eddie Munsons is an asshole.

I know a bold statement, but a true one.

Eddie Munsons is a fucking asshole. Everyone knows this, god he even knows this. Eddie Munson is a grade A fucking prick. To everyone.. and I mean everyone. Eddie didn't start out this way. He was a sweet kid, one who was creative, imaginative, caring, and loving. That was until life dealt him one too many bad hands, forcing him to be molded into this piece of shit guy.
Life had been too hard on him, everyone had been too hard on him. After his mom died and after his dad got sent to prison, Eddie munson didn't have much left in his life.
Throughout the years Eddie could only count on himself, and his uncle sometimes. Through out the years Eddie became more and more angry. He was angry at the world, angry at himself, just fucking angry. Listening to heavy metal to drown out the thoughts in his head, doing drugs to ignore everything, drinking to forget his day, he wanted life to get better. Though he didn't have to balls to end it, so he just suffered. Eddie wasn't depressed or anything, he just hated life. He couldn't wait to get out of this shithole town and move on to bigger and better things. But Eddie wanted to change that, he didn't want to be the dick he normally was, maybe just to the jocks, but Eddie wanted to change his ways. And there was someone who was going to help him achieve that, he just didn't know it yet.

Y/n y/l/n is a sweetheart.

A fair statement, a true statement none the less.

Y/n y/l/n is a fucking sweetheart. Everyone knows this, god even y/n knows this. Y/n y/l/n is a precious fucking puppy dog. She is the sweetest to everyone, and I mean everyone. No matter who you are, y/n was nice to you.
Y/n had always been like this, y/n was such a giver, never taking anything for herself. Most would call her a push over, a people pleaser.. weak would be a better word. Alot of people took advance of her, even her parents. There weren't many who took y/n in for who she was and cherished her, maybe one person.. but turns out it was all a facade. After y/n lost her best friend in the whole world a year ago, she put her walls up. An invisible shield, one that would always protect her from the cruel people in the world.

Moving to Hawkins was a change, a big one at that, but a fresh one.
Y/n could start over and maybe find some friends who would actually care about her.
And she did! Nancy wheeler seemed to be a part of some welcome committee or something, immediately noticing y/n was new to town. The brunette took y/n under her wing, promising she would have a friend when school started up in a couple of days.

Y/n knew she was different from a very young age. She had something alot of little girls didn't have- shit she had what a lot of grown women didn't have. Confidence, y/n was told from day one that she was the prettiest girl there ever was, and she believed it. Developing alot sooner than the other girls in her grade, never going through a tomboy phase, doing pageants when she was a toddler, wearing heels to school since she was 13... She had it all. What was it all? Confidence. When you believe you are beautiful, you are.
Y/n truly believed she was beautiful, not needing to hear it from other people. It wasn't because of her face or her body (maybe it was a little bit of that) but y/n is genuinely a good person. But it did help that y/ns mother always refered to her as "angel" and her father always told her she was gonna be a heart breaker one day. But deep down y/n knew she would never be a heart breaker.. she could never hurt someone that way.

They say there is no such thing as a selfless good deed.. and that may be true for most, but for y/n.. everything was selfless. Truly a heart of gold, so fucking pure she made holy water look like a joke. She helped others, gave to others, cheered others on, all from the goodness on her heart. She believed the phrase- treat others how you want to be treated, and y/n knew she wanted to be treated well.. so she treated others well. Y/n slowly found out that even if she treated others well, they wouldn't always do that to her.
But despite those who've wronged y/n, she still got up in the morning, put a smile on her face, wore a pretty dress, picked out her favorite heels, and chose kindness... Every single day.  And y/n always said yes. Even when she didn't want to.

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