Eddies Princess

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Summary: Eddie always makes sure y/n gets what she wants. But when Eddie hears a rumor about them, he can't stop thinking about it until he gets answers.

Word count: 5.3k

There is not one thing y/n could ask for that Eddie wouldn't do. Eddie would go out of his way to make sure y/n is happy. For his Princess, anything goes.

Eddie and y/n have been together for 2 years and 5 months. They are somewhat of an unlikely couple, no one actually believed Eddie when he said he had a date with y/n.

"You're shitting us right?" Jeff asked, clearly thinking Eddie had made the interaction up
"No, she said yes" Eddie leaned up against the locker next to His couple of friends.
"I don't believe you, look at her" Gareth gestured over to y/n. This girl is girlier than the cheerleaders, probably prettier than most.. in Eddie's opinion.
"Yeah...look at her" Eddie said with heart eyes. He was meeting just looking at her.
"Go talk to her then" Jeff said pushing Eddie's shoulder a little. Jeff and Gareth snickered to each other, assuming Eddie wasn't going to because he fabricated the story of him asking her out.
"Okay" Eddie said almost drooling over y/n.

"Hey, sorry to bother- uh- you. But I was wondering if I should pick you up, or we can go straight after school" Eddie said shyly as y/ns friends just stared at him with blank expressions.
"Let's do right after school! I have to babysit my brother later tonight" y/n said before applying some cherry flavored lipgloss.
"Okay, meet me at my van" Eddie smiled.
"Of course!" Y/n said bubbly, placing a kiss to his cheek that just about made Eddie pass out.
He could smell the lipgloss from her, and god did it smell amazing.

That first date was actually the best day of Eddie's life, y/n and him just walked around the the mall, talking about random stuff. Eddie is so funny to y/n, everything he said made her laugh. He's a gentleman too, holding open doors and ladies first type of guy. Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach every time he looked at her.

After that date they were pretty much always seen with each other.
Everyone was quite confused at their dynamic. Eddie's rocker metal looks, with y/ns bubbly flirty looks.. it's sent many through a loop seeing Eddie kiss her on the lips or when y/n would jump into his arms when she saw him first thing after school.

It was like they were meant to be, both being held back their senior year, making it Eddie's third time trying senior year. Y/n is just a year and a half younger than Eddie, making her actually Eddie's baby.

Eddie teased that she just wanted to stay back with him. Y/n claimed it was because mrs. O'Donnell hated her. Probably believe y/n on this one.

"Babe, can you take me to the mall today? They are having a sale at Gap, and I really want a new skirt" y/n said walking up to Eddie in the middle of lunch, sitting down on his lap.
"Of course, Princess. We can get you frozen yogurt too if you want" Eddie knows how much y/n loves her frozen yogurt.
"Yes! That would be so perfect" y/n said excitedly kissing Eddie's lips before walking back to her friends.

"You're whipped" Jeff said with an almost disgusted look on his face.
"No I'm not"

Yeah he is.

"Eddie!" Y/n yelled seeing her boyfriend leaned up against his van, waiting for her with a couple of the club members standing there to keep him company.
"Hi Princess" Eddie held out his arms for y/n to jump into, like she does every single day. He spins her around in a hug, like he does every single day. Smelling how good her hair smells, taking in that lovely vanilla perfume she wears.

"Mmwaah" y/n says dramatically kissing her boyfriend on the lips.
"I missed you" Eddie said placing y/n back down on the ground before opening the door for her.

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