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Thank you all for waiting so patiently for this.
I love you guys. I explain what happened to me at the end of the chapter!

Word count: 5.5k

Trigger warning: abusive childhood and panic attacks

Y/n dreamed of a perfect family. Most of the time late at night while her body ached in the form of fresh bruises and preexisting ones.
She believed her parents loved her deep down...deep, deep down they had to.
No matter how many times they told her she was mistake, or how she was worthless, or how she was never good enough, they had to love her.

They never meant to hit her, it was always an accident as they would say hours after. She would cry herself to sleep silently dreaming of the day her parents would stop their abuse. It's so sad she had to learn how to be silent in her sorrows at such a young age.

It was her deepest secret that her parents were hurting her. She didn't want anything bad to happen to them. You know.. because they provided for her. They gave her so much; like the scraps of food that were left over from their dinner, clothes they found off the street or hand me downs, scrap pieces of paper they found lying around for her to do her homework on. Oh and a bed.. sure— it may have been a blow up mattress from the 70s, and the sheets were all worn out and had stains all over, but it was comfy once y/n found the right position to sleep in. They gave her what they could, meanwhile they ate lavishly, had the top of the line mattress and new clothes and shoes every other week. But in y/ns 10 year old mind, they did what they could. She didn't know any better.

In a child's mind their parents are the world to them, they seek out that love and comfort from their parents who are supposed to protect them with every fiber of their being.
Y/ns parents were different though, never showing their care or love to her... maybe because they didn't love or care for her at all.
Leaving her alone most nights to go out and party, they neglected y/n at every chance they got.

A real Cinderella story if you will. Every morning at 5 am y/n got ready for her day. A quick shower before her parents got up, brewing them their coffee, and making breakfast for them. The table was plated and ready while y/n ran out the door for school. She learned that it was better for her not to be there while they were up.
She went to school with fresh bruises almost every day, covering them up as much as possible. She didn't want her anyone to know that her parents hurt her from time to time. She sought out comfort in her friends, looking for a place to stay some nights and a plate of hot food. No one knew the extent of her abuse. Her friends parents chalked it up to them just being busy, because who in their right mind would hurt a child?

Although throughout the years, those thoughts of her parents loving her slowly withered away, seeing how her friends families cared for each other, she knew something was wrong with hers. And for some odd reason she still didn't want anything bad to happen to her parents, keeping everything behind closed doors; where no one could see what she had to endure.

But one day it all fell apart. Her deepest darkest secret finally finding a sliver of light.

When she was 14, a sophomore in high school, The counselor had pulled her into the office after several suspicious incidents that arose earlier in the school year. She blamed the bruises on her clumsiness, saying she fell off her bike or fell down some stairs. But after a thorough investigation, y/ns parents were taken into custody for their actions. She was the talk of the town for many days after the arrests. Many gave y/n sympathetic looks, soft smiles, and reassuring words. Still, y/n felt guilty for what was happening to her parents, if she was never born, if she was the little girl she thought her parents wanted, none of this would have happened.

Her grandparents quickly came to the rescue, moving her to Hawkins Indiana, several hours away from her home town while they awaited the trial. It was a rough change, but it was refreshing.
The new girl.. it was nice. No one to hide from, no one to judge her parents poor drunken decisions. Her grandparents took really good care of her, getting her clothes that didn't have holes in them, clothes that fit her properly, clean clothes.
A bed that felt like a cloud, with good smelling sheets, she even got to pick out her own bed spread.

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