Me or him

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Word count : 1.2k

"-It's either me or him!"
"I can't chose between you two!"
"You have to y/n, you can't live both of us!"
"I don't know!"

How did y/n get here? How did she end up with Eddie yelling at her, making her chose between him and Steve? Let's back up a few months ago.

Y/n had found herself hooking up with both of her friends Steve and Eddie. Neither of them knew until Steve walked in on y/n getting eaten out by Eddie. That was a long awkward conversation.

Both of her friends decided that they were okay with y/n sleeping with both of them. The occasional threesome also happened, y/n felt like her life was perfect in the moment. That was until she found herself falling for both boys, one more than the other.
And both of them loved her back.
They were competing with each other to see who y/n wanted to screw more. So far Eddie has been winning, by 4 times.

"Come over tonight" Eddie said leaning over y/ns candy counter. He loved to come bother y/n at work.
"I can't. I'm seeing Steve" y/n said awkwardly. "Steve? Really?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Yes you both agreed that this was okay. I can't spend all my time with you, Ed's"
"But you want to" Eddie smirked seeing y/n blush at his words.
"No, I love to spend time with you each equally" 
"Fine. But it's my turn next after him"
"Whatever you say" y/n shrugged her shoulders softly.
The truth is she was in love with Eddie, she only liked Steve.. although the agreement was that she shared her time equally, she wanted to always be with Eddie.

They didn't always have sex, they spent time together, y/n would read Eddie books while he laid in her lap, they would go out for dinner, they would lay in silence enjoying each other's presence.

Steve and Eddie were growing quite sick and tired of this competition. They wanted answers, they wanted to have y/n to themselves.
While Eddie was waiting up all night for a call from y/n he could help but become jealous of Steve's hands all over y/n. He though about how he fucked her, it couldn't be better than him, right? Steve seemed so vanilla, too boring for y/n.

Eddie laid up all night, y/n normally calls him at the end of every day, to talk. And now that she wasn't, was driving him absolutely insane. His heart beat in a fast pace, and his mind racing thinking of every possibility there could have been. She was probably just enjoying her time with Steve. This possibility made Eddie angry, she was supposed to be spending time with Eddie. Y/n knew better, she knew they had to non scheduled call every night. This becoming the first time she had every missed calling Eddie.

A few days later Steve and Eddie got to talking.
They both confessed their feelings towards y/n. "Well she was my friend first, you have to stop fucking her" Eddie defended.
"That doesn't make any sense, look I have a better idea to find out who she really wants" Steve said, leaning forward letting Eddie in on his secret plan. Eddie nodded in agreement, this plan was absolutely genius.

Eddie invited y/n over to hang out with him. Their lighthearted hellos took a quick left turn into a game y/n didn't want to play. This or that? Steve or Eddie?

"Princess, I see how you get with me. Please, tell me how you feel." Eddie was on his knees, pulling at y/ns hands begging her to confess her feelings.
"Eddie, I don't know, please stop this"
"You have to choose, or you're going to lose both of us!" Eddie was becoming angry, he wanted y/n to choose him. He wanted her to pick him.
"Eddie, don't make me do this" y/ns tears fell down her face as she looked down at Eddie.

"Please, tell me how you feel about me. You have to choose, it's either me or him"
"I can't chose between you two!" y/n tried to pull her hands out of Eddie's but he refused to let her go.
"You have to y/n, you can't live both of us!" Eddie's words were growing louder as he yelled at y/n.
"I don't know!" She yelled back dropping to her knees as well, so they were both at eye level.
"Baby, please, tell me how you feel about me" Eddie let go of y/ns hands, cupping her face to keep her eyes on him.
"I love you, Eddie. I'm in love with you" y/n confessed, covering her face, letting out a small sob.
"I don't want to hurt Steve. I know he loves me. But I don't love him. Please don't make me break his heart"  y/n begged Eddie. But it was too late.

Steve's heart broke listening to y/ns words, he was standing in the closet. He was listening to the whole conversation. Eddie and Steve planned it this way, they needed to know who y/n was going to pick. So all of this could end.

"I'm sorry, y/n I'm so sorry" Eddie pulled y/n into a hug
"Why are you sorry"

"Because I heard" Steve opened the closet door, making his presence know.
Y/n gasped at his voice, turning to see Steve standing with tears in his eyes.
"Steve" y/n whispered realizing she had been set up.
"It's fine, just enjoy each other" Steve said shoving his hands in his pockets walking out of Eddie's small trailer.

"Why did you do that to me?"  Y/n stood up pushing Eddie by his shoulders.
"You had to choose!" Eddie yelled standing up as well.
"I wasn't ready to break his heart"
"Oh did you want to fuck him a few more times before you did? It's better he knows now"
"How is this better, Eddie? I just lost a friend" y/n was so angry.. angry she had been set up. She was angry she confessed her feelings to Eddie in a ploy to break Steve's heart.

"Because we can be together now" Eddie tried to reach of y/n.
"I don't even think I want to be with you now" y/n stepped back.
"Baby, you love me, and I love you" Eddie tried to step closer which just made y/n take another step back.

"I just need time Eddie, I was used to hurt him, you knew I would choose you. You knew I'm in love with you. And you did it on purpose to hurt him"

"It was his idea, he wanted to do it." Eddie confessed looking down at the carpet in his room.
"He thought you would pick him" Eddie added looking back up to y/ns eyes.

"Oh" was all she said.
"Yeah" Eddie rocked on his feet not knowing what to say.

"I feel so dumb, I don't know why I thought I could have you both" y/n admitted shaking her head in confusion.
"Do you still want him? At all?"
"No, I want you"

"I love you" Eddie whispered resting his hand in y/ns shoulder, rubbing the back over her neck with  finger tips.
"I love you" y/n answered back with A half smile. "Just sucks you had to find out this way"
"I don't know what you're talking about, it's great for me" Eddie said proudly.

Just a short little blurb to hold you over until I can actually write a really good one.

I got this idea from Tik tok. I saw a little pov kinda similar so that's how this was born. If you know who made the pov pls let me know

Please let me know your requests!!!

Thank you for reading!

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