The Party

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Jealous Eddie

Word count: 2.5k

Y/n has been best friends with Eddie for the past 2 years. Joined at the hip once they realized they enjoyed each other's company. The two often had to be forced apart, they both just loved each other.

Their shared friends often teased them about them secretly being a couple, to which they just laughed it off.

"Tell me why you and Eddie aren't dating? You guys are perfect for each other" Steve asked y/n as they walked around the grocery store picking up Items for his party. Eddie was too busy looking at what chips he wanted. "Because we don't don't like each other like that. How come you and Robin aren't together?" Y/n nudged back. "We don't like each other like that" "see now you know how Eddie and I feel"

"It's different for me and Robin. I see the way Eddie looks at you"

Y/n just ignored what he had to say. She did have a crush on Eddie, they were just in too deep for her confess any sort of feelings. How could they continue their sleepovers without it being weird? How could they still be friends? It was just better for y/n to keep it to herself.

Meanwhile Eddie had the same thoughts. Everything y/n did, made him melt. He's in love with his best friend, but he couldn't say anything. They were in just too deep.

"Boo!" Eddie loud voice made y/n jump. His arms wrapped around y/ns waist from behind, lifting her up. Y/n kicked her legs and her hands pulled at Eddie's strong arms. "Put me down Edward!" Y/n yelled though a laugh as Eddie spun her around. "Whoa! No need to bring legal names into this" Eddie joked back setting y/n back on her feet.

"I hate when you scare me like that" y/n pushed her hair out her face. While Steve just gave her a 'you like each other' face narrowing his eyes at them.

"You staying at my place after the party?" Eddie's arm draped across y/ns shoulder as they walked next to Steve.
"Yeah, and we can get breakfast in the morning"

Everyone knew that Eddie had a crush on y/n. They liked to make a game out of it. "How quick will Eddie get pissed off when he realizes everyone is starting at y/ns ass" Nancy whispered to the group. "30 minutes" Steve answered "30 minutes? More like 30 seconds" Robin added in. "I give him 2 minutes" Lucas jumped in. "15 sec-" max was interrupted.

"What the fuck you looking at" Eddie's voice was loud over the mall chatter. Almost lunging at the middle aged man who's eyes don't care that he had a wife.
"Someone owes me 5 bucks" Max laughed manically theming her hands in the air in victory.

There had been many episodes like this, where Eddie had a spark light inside of him, a temperament he couldn't control. It made his eye practically twitch watching y/n twirl her hair around her finger as she was flirting with the ice cream worker to get a free cone. He never said anything about it though, he let her flirt with whom ever to get what she wanted. But when it came to guys hitting on her, now that was a different story. He would go down guns blazing before anyone got to hit on y/n, he would fight to the death, before anyone took advantage of her.

When the party finally started y/n made her rounds speaking to just about everyone. What a social butterfly, never afraid to strike up a conversation with anyone. There was always something to talk about. Eddie admired that about her, jealous at the fact she could find anything to talk about with anyone.

Truth is he would get jealous when he saw the way most guys looked at her. Y/n was definitely the most beautiful person Eddie had seen. She isn't a traditional model beautiful, just in her own way. Those cute little moles and sun freckles she had on her face. That cute laugh she had when they were watching something stupid on the television. Or how she tried to copy eleven by yelling and throwing her hands in the air in attempt to move something, it never worked, but it was cute to Eddie.

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