
5.4K 78 199

I got a new phone and the keyboard is different, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes!

Word count: 9.8k

The summer heat of Indiana was brutal sometimes. Most of the time it was mid 80s during the day and a brisk 60 in the evening. But today was something else, god it must of been 95 with the muggy humidity of the morning rain, sending everyone into a frenzy of ice pops and water hose splashings.

Y/n was one who was mildly suffering from the summer heat, sitting outside in her pool chair (one that she stole from the Hawkins community pool) with a pretty blue bikini top on and some shorts that haven't been buttoned or zipped up. Sunglasses perched on the bridge of her nose, soaking in the summer rays. Sure it was hot and her body was doused in sweat, but might as well make the most of it. Growing up most of her life in the south, this heat wasn't anything out of the ordinary for her, but it sure was hot, no lying about that.

Singing along to- I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston, which so happened to be the most popular song this summer of '87, and one of y/ns favorites. She was pulled out of her melody when the sound of tires hitting thick gravel became more prominent.
She knew who it was, she knew by the sound of the screeching breaks, by the sound of the heavy metal blasting it was her neighbor.

Peeking over her sunnies she watched as the long haired man got out of his van. He stumbled over his own feet as he fumbled with several things in his hand while trying to close the car door.
"Slow down Munson, gonna hurt yourself!" Y/n hollered with a smile.
"Me? Never!" He retaliated with a smirk.
"Why you in a rush?" Y/n sat up pushing her sunglasses up to the top of her head.
"To see you of course" he shoved his items in his pocket as he walked up the metal chain fence separating their yards.
"I'm not going anywhere, coulda took your time"
"Gotta get here before anyone else snatches you up" Eddie winked leaning on the fence.

The two were so flirty with each other, never ever has it once turned into more than flirting, it was just fun for them.
"Yeah yeah, no one wants little ole me" y/n laid back down with her eyes closed to avoid the sun.
"Whatever, sweetheart. Listen I gotta work on my van in a little, wanna hold my flash light?"
"It's day time, Eddie" y/n rolled her eyes, always trying to get her to hold his flashlight.
"Alright alright, you enjoy the sun. You know where to find me" he pushed himself off of the fence, expecting that to be the end of the conversation.
"Wait, let me grab you something to drink first, so you don't get dehydrated while you work" y/n loves to watch Eddie work on his van, he gets all hot and sweaty, shirt covered in various types of car gunk with his hair held back by his black bandanna. What a sight. She would even set up a lawn chair in his driveway just to watch him, not that Eddie minded, the boy loved to show off his vast knowledge to y/n.
"Sure thing, sugar. Always looking out for me, huh?" Eddie smiled wide, showing off his pretty teeth.

Y/n ran inside to grab a glass of ice cold lemonade, with a pretty straw as well.
"For you, my good sir" y/ns hips swayed as she walked through the thick grass to get to Eddie.
"Thank you, sweets" Eddie leaned forward to not only grab the glass but to also press a small kiss on the side of y/ns cheek.
"Aye Munson, don't want the other neighbors to think I'm taken" y/n joked swatting at his shoulder playfully.
"No, I do want them to think you are taken"

Y/n was kicked out of her parents house at 16 due to lack of responsible choices, she lived with her grandparents for a few months just on the outskirts of Hawkins, until they got fed up with her, so they gave her a large chunk of money and told her to try to make a life for her own. So she did, buying the prettiest pink one bedroom camper she could find. Now y/n works at a small boutique down town, one that attracts older women looking for a nice piece of jewelry to wear for their 25th anniversary dinner. It wasn't the best living, but It was an honest living. No one to tell her what to do, no one watch her every move, not a care in the world. She hopped around from play to place, but ultimately found herself in back Hawkins after a few years.

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