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Summary: Eddie loves y/n.. maybe a little too much.

Word count: 3.8k

It was little things here and there that Eddie did that were a little off, But nothing alarming.
Some may think a boyfriend being protective is super cute, and it was... it was to an extent. Eddie started off so sweet and caring. But the longer y/n was in the relationship... the more strange it got. Almost obsessive. Toxic.

Eddie started out by being extremely possessive of what was his. Y/n wasn't allowed to be friends with guys, which was hard because y/n was such a good person, a nice person. Then it was... jealousy, man did Eddie get jealous seeing y/n talk to someone in the hallways.
It was so tiring to date Eddie Munson, but she liked him. So she stayed.

"Hey" Eddie said slinging his arm over y/ns shoulder as she was talking to a guy from her science class.
"Hi babe" y/n felt Eddie's arm grip a little tight around her shoulder. His eyes burned into the the smaller guys face, giving him a dirty look. Eddie's fist began to clench feeling his chest tighten at the fact that y/n was just talking to another male.
"Well I'll see you later" the guy felt the awkward tension in the air.
"Yeah for sure" y/n smiled kindly at him.
Immediately after he turned around Eddie's questions started.

"Who was that?" He asked still staring down the guy.
"That's Jeremy..from science" y/n tried to shrug Eddie's arm off.
"Why were you talking to him" he turns to face his girlfriend of 7 months.
"Because we have to do a project together" y /n explained.
"I'll see if you can switch partners" Eddie smiled down at his girlfriend in a seemingly innocent way.
"No, they were assigned based on grades. I have to stay with him"
"We will see about that"

The next weird incident was the same day, it was when y/n didn't answer her phone, she was downstairs with her family so she didn't pick up the landline in her room.
She was just watching tv with her family, enjoying the time she had with them when there was a knock at the door.
"I got it" y/n said getting up from her seat.
"Eddie what are you doing here?" Y/n asked opening the door to see her boyfriend standing there in a fit of exhaustion.
"You didn't answer your phone" Eddie said trying to peak his head in to see who else was there.
"I'm sorry, I'm just having family night" y/n opened the door some more to let Eddie see her whole family watching tv.
"Oh okay, call me after." Eddie smiled giving his girlfriend on the cheek.
"Well I'm going out with Nancy and Steve in a few hours" Y/n said brushing some hair behind her ear.
"Steve?" That was all Eddie picked up on.
"Yeah, to watch a movie at the theater"
"Oh okay why didn't you tell me"
"Just forgot" she shrugged not really knowing what to say.
"Have fun" Eddie said before turning off to his van. Visibly upset by y/n not telling him her plan.

It was a little strange, but it was even weirder that Eddie was standing in front of the movie theater waiting for the trio to show up.
Eddie was shocked that there was a few more people than what y/n mentioned.
"Angel!" Eddie smiled walking up to his girlfriend.
"Hi, what are you doing here babe?" Y/n asked turning to her friends who all had confused looks on their faces
"I figured I could see the movie with you, keep you company"
"Of course, you're always welcome" y/n smiled awkwardly knowing that Eddie was just doing it because she mentioned Steve.

"Oh! I talked to your teacher and he was able to put you with Molly for the project, so don't worry about Jeremy." Eddie kissed y/ns lips was they stood in line for the ticket.
"You didn't have to do that" y/n pulled back from the kiss.
"Well, I just feel better knowing you're with a girl" Eddie brushed his fingers through y/ns hair.
That's when y/n realized something was wrong. No normal boyfriend would go out of his way like that, especially for something as mundane as a boy lab partner.
But he loves her, so it was a sweet gesture. He was just being sweet, that's all.

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