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NOT EDITED sorry :(

Summary: y/n gets a date... and Eddie isn't too happy about it.

Word count: 2.9k

"A date?" The boys all yelled at the same time slamming their hands down on the lunch table.
"Yeah.. don't have to act all surprised! I'm fun" y/n polished complete embarrassed as no one believed her.
"It's not that, you just, you are like a guy" Mike spewed out.
"Thanks Mike." Y/n rolled her eyes.
"He didn't mean it like that, he just meant, you never acted like you wanted a boyfriend" Dustin corrected mikes mistake.
"I don't want a boyfriend, I just want to have a good time"
"Are we not fun?" Lucas crossed his arms acting hurt.
Y/n hated that she always got to the lunch table before the older guys. Having to wait the long 3 minutes before Eddie, Jeff, and Gareth came.

"Guys!" Dustin yelled as soon as they all sat down.
"Do you really have to be yelling?" Eddie slammed  his metal lunch box on the table.
"Yes! Y/n has a date tonight" Dustin looked happy for y/n. Happy that she was finally getting herself out there.
"A date?" Eddie raised his eyebrows in shock, clearly not thinking he was telling the truth.
"Yeah yeah, poke fun All you want" y/n said with a frown splitter her strawberry poptart in half.
"Not making fun, poptart. Just, wasn't expected" Eddie explained himself, holding out his hand for half of y/ns poptart.

Poptart, it always made y/n feel butterflies when he called her that. It started when y/n starting bringing an extra poptart for Eddie, he always asked to have some of hers. And on days when she was running out of them, she would split them with him. The nickname stuck, but lord help the boys if they ever Called y/n poptart. Eddie would give them the ugliest glare anyone had ever seen. They learned quickly that was Eddie's nickname for her, and he was only allowed to call her that.

"Yeah, who is it anyways?"
"Don't wanna say" y/n tried to sink down in her seat, trying to look invisible, regretting she even said something in the first place.
"Wait wait! Isn't it movie night? You're bailing on us for a guy?" Jeff looked hurt, hurt that y/n was missing their weekly movie night.
"You guys are guys" y/n rolled her eyes once more, really really regretting her decision to tell them.
"But who is it?" Eddie chimed back in.

"Who who?" All the boys were chanting, pulling themselves closer to y/n making her feel trapped.
"You sound like a bunch of owls" y/n laughed trying to brush off her embarrassment.
"Tell us poptart we won't make fun of you"

"Davis" y/n closed her eyes, already feeling the harsh stares they were bound to give her.
"Wait! Davis? Basketball player Davis? Jock davis?" Eddie's voice was rough, trying to understand exactly who y/n was going on a date with.
"Yeah.. he asked me and I haven't been on a date in like a year.. so I said yes"
"You're skipping movie night for that jock?" Eddie's eyes squinted trying not to show any jealousy hidden in them.

"It's just one movie night, I don't even know if I'll have fun"

Eddie ignored y/n for the rest of the day. Didn't even take her home after school, didn't even glance her way as he passed her to go to his van.
It hurt y/n, hurt her a lot. All the guys were her friends, but she felt like her and Eddie had such a special connection. She thought he'd be a little happy for her after constantly telling her that she needs to get dicked down so she can stop being a bitch sometimes.

Eddie didn't want to show it, which he did awful at hiding it, how angry he was, how jealous he was. Y/n hated when Eddie would give her the silent treatment. Though this time she didn't know what she did to deserve it.

"Pick up pick up" y/n was calling Eddie, pissed that she had to bum a ride from Steve when he picked up Robin. They were friends but not that close.
No answer. "Fuck!" She slammed the phone down calling Gareths home phone.
"Hello?" Gareths mom answered.
"Hi! This is y/n can I please speak to one of the boys specifically Eddie."
Y/n waited as she heard shuffling on the other end.
"Eddie doesn't want to talk to you" Dustin answered the phone.
"Why not?"
"Not sure, I think he's jealous" Dustin whispered.
That kid was smart, he picked up on a lot of things.
"Just tell him I'm sorry, and that I love him"
"You don't love me?"
"I do you big dork. Just please. Tell him I'm sorry"
"I will, gotta go, before he gets mad at me"

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