Dear Eddie

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Dear billy, but worse.

Word count: 1.8k

Dear Eddie,

I still can't believe that you are gone. It's been 168 days since you left me here, since you were taken from me.
I can't find the words to describe how depressed I am without you. But I'll try.
I miss you more and more everyday. You were my rock and now without you I'm lost.
I keep hoping one day I'll wake up and you'll be laying next to me again, like we used to almost every day.
I feel sick everyday thinking about you, thinking about how I will never see that beautiful smile ever again. I can only visit you in my dreams or in pictures we have.
I have 328 pictures printed out of us, and it's not enough.
I keep searching for answers, why were you taken from me so soon. We spent 1499 days together, unfortunate timing. Four years of nothing but laughs, nothing but amazing memories.
Dustin really misses you. He blames himself for you dying. I blame myself.
You were so brave, Eddie. So so brave. You sacrificed yourself for a town that did nothing but hate you. You didn't run, and I'm so proud of you.
Although a part of my wish you had ran, though I can't be selfish.

I wish I still had you in my arms, you loved when I held you close. You loved when I drew shapes on your back, making you guess what they were. You sucked at guessing what they were!
There were so many things we never got to do. I don't even think I could experience them without you. You were my baby, and I was yours.
I miss you so much, Eddie. I love you so much. My heart hurts yearning for you to come back.
I prayed to God, begging him to take me too, but every morning I woke up. I just wanted to be with you, I just wanted to be with you again.
I wish I could hear your laugh again, I wish I could hear your voice whispering sweet nothing in my ear. I wish I could see your handsome face, to touch your hair again. You really were the most handsome man in the world.
Oh how good it felt to be wrapped in your arms. You made me feel so whole, Eddie. Why did you have to go? Why did you have to leave me?
You should have ran. You should have ran and never looked back. You should have followed me and Dustin. I wish you would have. I wish you would have been selfish and ran. I wish you were not brave, I wish you were not a hero.

I still dream about that night.
The way I held you in my arms, as you begged me not to leave you. I still remember the way your hair looked, it was so fizzy. I felt that last breath you took, and that's when my whole soul left my body. I'm so glad you didn't have to hear my screams for you. I'm so glad you didn't hear me cry.

Your last words were that you loved me. And the last thing you heard me say was that you couldn't leave me. I told you I loved you just before that, but I hate that it wasn't the last thing I said you.
You died not hearing me tell you I loved you, as the last thing you heard on this planet. And I hate myself every day for just not saying it one last time.

Dustin and Steve had to drag me away. I couldn't leave you. I didn't want to, I wanted to die with you. I think apart of me did die when you did. I was kicking and screaming, I didn't want to leave you, Eddie. I begged them to leave me with you, I wanted to stay with you. Romeo and Juliette style, I think it wouldn't have been okay.

I took all your jewelry and your wallet when I left. Not in a 'I'm robbing you' way. Just in a way to remember you. And I took your favorite pin off your jacket.
I wear it everyday.
I don't think I'll ever let you go. I don't think I could ever stop loving you. You were the great love of my life, I really don't think I'll meet anyone else.

And when I was cleaning your room, I found the ring. I found it, and it's absolutely beautiful. I would have said yes, just so you know.

I have exciting news for you.
After you passed I had to go to the doctor for my injuries, and they told me I'm pregnant.
You would have been such an amazing father, I know we weren't actively trying to have a baby, but you always told me you couldn't wait to give me a baby.
Our baby will know what a beautiful soul you were, how when you smiled it lit up a room. She will know everything. Oh she's a girl by the way. You always wanted a baby girl. "I can't wait to hold both of my girls" you would tell me as we fantasized about our future together.

You really were a beautiful person inside and out, I don't know how I was so lucky to have you. You blessed me everyday with that goofy smile. I think an angel sent you down from heaven to find me, to make my life absolutely worth living.
Now I'll always have a piece of you. A part of you will always be with me.

The days get a little easier as i trudge through them. Not a day goes by that I don't miss you, that I don't cry for you. I just wish you could hold my hand once more. I wish I could feel your skin on mine once more.
Im working at The Gap, it's kind of fun, I've made a lot of friends. Customers are kind of mean though, I'm sure we would have had a lot of laughs from me telling you about ridiculous things they've said to me.

I wish you could have graduated with me, Eddie, they called your name along with some others to hold a moment of silence for you guys. I couldn't hold my tears in when you weren't able to walk that stage.
I thought maybe I had run out of tears on the 100th day since you passed. Turns out I had about a million tears left in my body.
The doctor says crying isn't good for the baby, so I try not to do that. I know you wouldn't want me to cry, you always hated when I cried. It made you cry too, such a softy.
I miss your tattoos. I'm going to get a small tattoo on my wrist, to honor you. So you really will always be with me.
I keep buying that cheap cologne you liked from the Kmart. It did smell so good on you.
I took your bedding to my home, using it instead of that bubblegum pink bedspread you absolutely loathed. It makes me feel closer to you.
I have not given up one article of clothing you owned. My mom says I'm a hoarder. I don't care, I can't give you up like that. I'm sure one day I'll be able to donate some of your clothes, But not now.

Oh! Dustin was at the store and bought the cutest baby onesie, it says 'my daddy is my hero'. When I tell you I cried for 3 hours after seeing it, it's not an exaggeration.

You know what I miss the most about you? Was how much you loved me, no matter how weird I was. I miss how weird we were together. I miss how we used to watch shitty movies all the time and laugh at how silly they were. I miss walking around the trailer park at night. I miss showing you every night where the Big Dipper was in the sky. You were never good at finding it.
That bright star in the sky is you, I know it. Watching me from up above.
Happy endings are for movies I guess.
I won't have a happy ending ever I don't think.
Im scared to live every day without you. I'm scared it won't get much easier than it is right now, and it's not very easy at the moment.
I'm scared one day it will all be too much for me.
I never knew how bad it could hurt to love someone until I met you. I've tried to let it hurt until it no longer hurt anymore. Whoever said that was bullshitting, it hurts more now that I tired that.

You were just a moment of time in my life Eddie, but it felt like forever. A forever I wish would have really lasted forever. Although in Alice in wonderland they say something about how a forever can only last but a second in time. How does it feel like you were in my life forever, and for a second at the same time?
Our little moments aren't so little now looking back. I'll treasure every moment we had together.

I know in another lifetime our souls will be destined to find each other, and we can finally have our happy ending. Just like the movies. You are my soulmate, Eddie.

I feel like I'm in hell, it's like, you are in my dreams, and we are so happy together, but when I wake up and you are not next me, I break a little more. I hurt a little more.

I know you will always be in my heart Eddie. I know I will always love you. I know I will cherish every moment we spent together. I know we will meet again, in the stars.
Your souls touched many lives, mine included. Your legacy will reign on. Our baby will have your last name. She will be a Munson, just like I always wanted to be. I will never forget you, and your beautiful soul.
You were my best friend Eddie Munson.

It hard to say goodbye, so I don't think I'll be doing that.

So I'll just say, See you later, alligator.
And I know you are saying, in a while, crocodile. Just like you always said to me.

I love you, Eddie Munson. More than there are stars in the sky.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

With all my love, y/n

:( y'all I'm crying. I feel so gross but like I had to write that after I wrote dear Billy.
Straight up have been crying all day thinking about writing Eddie a letter to say goodbye after he died.

Please tell me what you think!
I have another sad one someone out, but I really can't cry anymore rn. So I'll save it for another day

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