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Word count: 2.9k

Lights smut

"No Eddie that's so embarrassing" I looked over that the group of guys I call my friends. "You can tell us, y/n, we won't judge you" Eddie looked down at me from his throne. "Can we just play the game? I don't want to talk about my sex life to a bunch of losers" I mocked them rolling my eyes.

I'm sure my cheeks were a bright red shade. I'm not sure how we got onto the topic, but everyone started taking about their previous partners.

"I mean I've slept with plenty" Eddie's smile was big and bright. "Oh sure, that's why all the girls steer clear from you"

"shut up"

Eddies campaign was not successful, I mean dustin rolled a 9, how could we beat Lich with a 9? We got screwed big time. "Sorry boys and my shortcake, you have failed to defeat the mighty Lich" our dungeon master bowed at us.

I started playing dnd about 6 months ago with these guys. Gareth spotted me at the store looking at the game, I was trying to buy it for my brothers 10th birthday. But I had so many questions, and I guess I looked confused. He helped me out and took me to their hellfire campaign.

And I literally fell in love with Eddie's excitement and narration of the game. As well as the other boys, how into the game they were. Although Eddie was very hesitant to let me watch.

Which Gareth had warned me about, so I made brownies, and brownies, for Eddie. I mean I knew him around school. He's pretty much known as the drug dealer, And I've bought from him on the occasion.

Eddie pretty much chose my name for me. "Come on princess shortcake" he told me to follow him to their lunch table.
Dustin said that was an honor, to be sitting with them. Normally I sat in the library, alone.

He had called me shortcake because he saw me applying my strawberry shortcake lip smacker lipgloss.
Apparently I apply it way too much, and you're not supposed to apply lipgloss as you're purchasing weed.

"Do you ever stop putting that on? I can smell it from here. what flavor is that anyways " Eddie groaned from in front of me. "Strawberry shortcake"

After that Dustin had tried to call me shortcake outside of the game, which earned a "don't call her that" from Eddie. He didn't even look up when he said it, just continued to eat his lunch.

Soon hellfire meetings and lunch weren't the only times I was with them. We had movie nights and I would watch them practice their music. God it was so fun to be around them, they didn't treat my like I was a random girl, they treated me like a friend, not a girl friend, just a friend. That was until one of the jocks tried to hit on me at a party.

"Hey baby, wanna come check out the bedroom with me" the tall guy in a letterman slurred at me. I had just walked away from the group to get a drink. I had dragged them out too, to try to have a little fun. "No thank you" I smiled pushing my hair out of my face. "Come on it'll be worth it" he grabbed my forearm making me spill my drink a little.

I looked around the room, looking for anyones eyes. "She said no man, let her go" Gareth called from behind the tall frame
"Walk away freak" the tall one gritted through his teeth. I looked to the left a little to see Eddie. I swear I never actually saw him get angry until that day. I didn't see much as Gareth had dragged me out with Jeff right behind us.

Eddie didn't show for a few days after that. But when he did his knuckles were all bruised and scabbed over. After that day they all treated me a little different, more like a lady, but still just one of their friends.

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