
2.7K 47 23

Long time no see :)
This is just a small little blurb that started out so good but kinda fell flat. Im trying to her back into the rhythm. Please enjoy :)

Kinda edited I'm sorry.

Word count: 5.8k

Money was tight. Money has been tight for quite some time. Pretty much since the beginning actually. But people did it, living paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet, people have been doing this since the dawn of time. It still didn't make it any easier knowing that. Bills were piling up, the car payment was too expensive, the electricity bill was way too high, and daycare was way too much money.
The frustration of keeping everything together for his little girl was growing thick.
Who is he? Eddie Munson of course.
It felt like a hassle at first, his friends and his uncle taking turns babysitting while Eddie was at work for 13 hours of the day. Eddie felt bad, so once he was able to save up a little extra cash, his baby girl went off to daycare. But like said before, daycare was getting a little too expensive and Eddie could barely afford it along with gas to get to work.

His daughter, oh god, what a beautiful girl he made. His ex girlfriend at the time, who he believed to be the love of his life, and him were highschool sweethearts. Love was thick in the air, rose colored glasses and flowers at every date. That was until an accident happened, the best accident Eddie had ever made. They were pregnant! But oh no... She didn't want the baby, she had plans to make a name of herself. It was fight after fight for the first couple of weeks. The couple ultimately deciding to terminate the pregnancy, for reasons of their own beliefs. Like said before, Eddies ex wanted to become famous, she wanted to be a movie star. And big movie stars don't have kids at 20 years old. While Eddie had always wanted to be a rockstar, and again... No rockstars have kids at 20. They wanted to be the hottest 'It' couple in Hollywood, they had plans.

On the day of termination, Eddie couldn't bring himself to go with his girlfriend, he refused to. Saddened by the loss of a baby he didn't get to meet. Eddies heart was breaking over something he didn't even know he wanted, and maybe he didn't want the baby, but he couldn't just let it happen. That "thing" as his ex called it, was part of him, a baby that needed to know their dad. Sitting in a sweat of confusing thoughts finally a- "fuck it" came from the metal heads lips before he grabbed his keys and sped off to the doctors office. Just before the procedure, Eddie busted through the doors, in a loud declaration of his wants, and goddammit, he wanted his baby. After a few moments of deliberation, Eddies ex was to see the baby to term and Eddie would keep it, no child support, no co parenting. The baby would be eddies, and only his.
God Eddie was so scared, what if he made a mistake? His tummy churned at the idea of this being the worst mistake he couldn't have ever made. Giving up his best friend, his girl, the love of his life, for a baby. He gave up his whole world, the one person who understood him, for a baby who didn't even understand they were on the brink of death.
It was 9 long months of Eddie sweating bullets and panic attacks, but god did his heart sing when he saw sonograms and felt the baby kick for the first time. Keeping every single sonogram in his beat up van, In his wallet, and beside his pillow; so when he fell asleep, went to pay for gas, and drove to work, he would see who he was trying to be a good man for.

Low and behold, when that baby came out and was passed to him, he never knew he could love something so much. His baby girl. His. Eddies ex didn't even want to hold the baby, forcing her in eddies arms instead. His sweet girl came out with dimples and soft dark brown hair, crying loudly as Eddie tried to console her. That's when the sweetness left his body and the fear really started. Eddie didn't know Jack shit about taking care of a little human being, he barely got up in time to brush his teeth before work. Though Eddie was a natural, in ways he didn't know just yet.

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