I'm Yours Eddie...

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Ladies and gentlemen... Joseph Quinn

Word count: 3.9k

"Who do you belong to?" Joseph asked continuing the snapping of his hips into y/ns core.
"Im yours, eddie" y/n dragged out The name 'Eddie' with her eyes screwed shut, enjoying the bliss her boyfriend was making her feel.
Joseph immediately stopped his thrusts. His eyes wide, his heart almost skipped a beat, he was confused.

"What?" He looked down at his girlfriend of 4 years.
"What?" Y/n said slurring her words, completely cock drunk for him.. for Eddie.
"You said eddie" joe chuckled awkwardly completely pulling out his hardened length.
"No I didn't" y/n lifted herself up on her elbows.

"Yes you did" he couldn't be mad.. he was in-fact eddie. But he was Joe first. He was more so confused as to why she was moaning for a character he played, instead of him himself.

"Are you serious?" Y/n felt her face get hot in embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry" y/n covered her face flopping back on the bed.
"It's- it's okay, squish" Joe felt awkward- Awkward that his girlfriend was moaning out a character he plays name. Awkward that she was imagining him as a fictional character rather than the real deal.
"Fuck I'm sorry" y/n rolled over not wanting to show her face. How embarrassing for y/n, to be thinking about a fictional character while her boyfriend fucks her.
"Really it's okay. We can just forget about it" Joseph pulled on his boxers before laying down on the bed once again.

Y/n was stiff, not really knowing if she should say something, maybe apologize for her honest mistake.. she had just finished rewatching the fourth season, so really it was just fresh in her mind and she got confused. She was confused as to why she felt some type of way when Joseph spoke in an American accent like hers, his voice got deeper, raspier, sexier. He was no longer the puppy she saw him as. He was rough around the edges as Eddie, but soft as Joseph.

Y/n completely ruined the moment, a moment she doesn't get often because Joseph is always doing interviews and working. She wasn't going to see him very much for the next few days, and she ruined the one intimate moment they had in over a week. Joe would come home.. well the home they rented for the next while, exhausted. Immediately taking a shower and flopping in bed to sleep for a few hours before getting up and doing it all over again the next day. Joe was back to filming for season 5 of stranger things, he was excited that his character wasn't truly killed off and he could continue to play to role of Eddie Munson.

Y/n didn't know filming could be so much work, she thought it was just showing up and saying some lines. They worked those people like crazy, waking up at 3 am to be at work by 5, there was table reads, wardrobe, makeup, hair, and way more than y/n really thought. Joe tried as best as possible to be attentive to his girlfriend, failing some of the times just due to how tired he was. She couldn't imagine how it feels to be over worked and to do interviews almost every week, to have fans throw themselves at you, it seemed like way too much to handle most of the time. Yet Joseph remained sweet, making time for y/n. Truly he is the sweetest man to walk the earth. He always made time for y/n no matter if it was a short conversation or a quick make out session between him leaving for work and sleeping.

They had been dating since Joseph was 25 and y/n was 22. She met him a bar while her and a few friends traveled around Europe celebrating their bachelors degrees. The two instantly hit it off. Although it was rocky at the start, y/n thought he was ignoring her, this was before she knew he is an actor. She though maybe he fucked around with plenty of girls.

When she returned to America it became so much worse. She didn't understand why she was so enthralled with a man she had a one night stand with. She watched as his snap score grew higher and higher, yet leaving her on open or delivered for hours. He only responded to her late at night, which probably was early morning for him. Their conversations were short and consisted of good mornings and goodnights, they asked about their days and that was about it. Her friends were constantly saying to just block him and move on. Yet y/n didn't, she wanted to know more about this random British guy she met.
That was just the beginning.

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