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Summary: y/n keeps having nightmares about what happened a few months ago, and Eddie is always there to help calm her down.

Word count: 1.7k

It's been three months since Y/n had seen the upside down. It's been three months since she saw everything. It's been three months since Eddie got attacked by those bats. He wasn't really harmed, but y/n still can't stop thinking about what could have happened. What could have happened if it was a swarm of them? Eddie thinks it's cool that he has scars on his body to remember that night. Y/n can only think of the bad, thinking how those scars could have been so much worse.

Eddie is the love of y/ns life. They are soul mates, no doubt about it. If she would have lost him, she would have lost herself. 3 years of being with someone is long enough to know how much you love them, and y/n loves Eddie more than she loves herself. He's her rock, without him she would be drifting off to sea.

Y/n had been having bad dreams about Eddie dying, waking up in a sweat. Y/n would immediately feel over for Eddie in the shared bed. Once she felt his presence she would snuggle into him, holding him tight, trying to fall asleep again.
Y/n refused to sleep alone, any nights where Eddie's band had a gig, she would go watch him play, and if they went out after, she would force herself to stay up just so they could go home together.

Anytime Eddie had a dnd campaign, y/n would sit in the room, watching them. Even if it was a 6 hour campaign, she found ways to keep herself busy. Eddie was the only one who could help her sleep.

Eddies would talk to y/n about random stuff, he would sing to her, play with her hair, give her messy kisses on her neck, just to help her fall asleep. Eddie understood that y/n was struggling. He didn't rush her to get any sort of therapy, he's just there for her like she had asked him to be.

Y/n began turning around in circles in the seemingly endless vast darkness of the wooded area.
"Eddie" y/n yelled looking for her boyfriend. She was lost in the dark, no where to go.
"Eddie" she called yelling louder than before. Y/n began running through the woods almost tripping over everything she stepped on.
She could hear a roaring in the distance, from the wind, from the bats.

Y/n kept running looking for a way out, looking for Eddie.
She couldn't find him, y/n began to panic, her breathing begin to quicken as she started to hyperventilate. Sending her into a full-blown panic attack, it seemed like the woods were endless and every tree she passed looked just the same as the other trees. Y/n felt as if she was going in an endless cycle of circle.

"Help!" Y/ns body stopped moving hearing Eddie's voice yell from her right side. "Eddie!" Y/n didn't think, she just bolted towards where she heard him yelling.
Stumbling as she ran, her feet weren't moving quick enough to get to him fast enough.

In a clearing of the woods she saw Eddie laying on the ground, flat spread out as the demobats were attacking his flesh. "Eddie!" Y/n a blood curdling scream seeing how much blood was everywhere.

"Eddie!" Y/n yelled sitting up quickly, opening her eyes and clutching at her chest.
Y/n woke up from her nightmare sweating with hair sticking to the back of her neck. She reached over to feel for Eddie as the room was very dark and she couldn't see much.

Eddie wasn't there, the spot where he normally laid asleep was empty.
"Eddie!" Y/n yelled again realizing he was not laying bedside her, thinking he was actually taken from her.

Eddie heard y/ns yells from the living room, instantly running from his spot on the couch to his bedroom.
"Baby! Are you Okay" Eddie slammed open the bedroom door, he ran to the side of the bed, grasping his girlfriend.

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