Nothing Lasts Forever

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Summary: Eddie sees y/n with another guy.

Word count: 4.2k

"I'll see you after practice baby" Eddie cupped y/ns face pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
"Okay" y/n gave a weak smile.
"I love you" Eddie shouted walking back over to his van.
"I love you more!" Y/n yelled back.

She felt guilty, so very guilty. Y/n didn't have cheer practice, she was going to have coffee with an old friend.

Y/n didn't think much of it. She thought she was catching up with an old friend, a guy she dated for a whole week her sophomore year of high school. He had moved away just shortly after they started dating, never reaching back out to y/n. So naturally to took her loss and moved on with her life.

Turns out this guy moved back into town a few weeks ago, and asked if y/n wanted to catch up over some coffee. Y/n was just excited to have her old friend back, so she agreed.

Eddie never stops thinking about y/n. He made it a point to bring her a surprise every day after she had practice. Knowing she worked her ass off for the past 3 years and still was never given the deserved amount of appreciation from her peers.

Eddie turned that corner of Main Street with a large bundle of flowers he hand picked for his girlfriend of almost two years, and saw her, snug into a corner booth with a random guy he had never seen before.
His heart almost fell out of his body seeing y/n laugh at whatever he had said. It was like he felt hallow seeing them look so happy. She was on a date in Eddie's eyes, she was cheating on him. The pang in his chest spread throughout his whole person, radiating the feeling of anguish in his veins.

Eddie vaguely remembered seeing a picture tucked away in a random book he found in y/ns room. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years. Looking through it he found a picture of the same guy, just a little younger, with y/n smiling as happy as could be. Y/n let him know that was someone from her past, and he was nothing to worry about. But there she was, with him, someone who was never a threat to their relationship.

Eddie could hear and feel his heart break, his chest tightening up as he clenched the pretty flowers he picked for his girlfriend.
He had pulled over on the side of the road to grab them for her, he wanted to pick up her favorite coffee too. Just as a little surprise for when she got out of cheer practice.
But low and behold y/n skipped cheer practice to be with this guy.

Eddie dropped the flowers to the ground, letting a single tear fall from his eye. He sadly stumbled back to his van, slamming the door shirt yelling "fuck fuck fuck" slamming his hands onto the steering wheel. His body was shaking as he was driving to his home.
His heart raced, confused at what he just saw. Why would she be with another guy?

Eddie waited for what seemed like hours for y/n to walk into his home. He sat numb on his bed, tapping his leg anxiously scared to see y/n. He felt sick to his stomach thinking about his best friend, choosing to lie to him and hurt him the way she had.

"Honey I'm home!" Y/n called pushing open the bedroom they shared most nights.
Eddie just looked at y/n with the most disgusted look on his face.
"Here" he threw a balled up trash bag at y/n.
"What's this for?" Y/n said tilting her head to the side while scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.
"For your shit" eddie spat coldly.

"What? What are you talking about, baby?" Y/n almost already knew what he had been talking about.
"How was cheer practice?" Eddie stood up, almost towering over y/n. Eddie wasn't very tall, but his dark presence made him feel taller in the moment.
"We got let go early, and I stopped to see a friend" y/n told a half truth.

"Cut the bullshit! I saw you and that guy" Eddie rolled his eyes.
"His name is James, and he's an old friend?"
"Oh James? Is that his name? Why were you with him?"
"He's just a friend-"
"Then why did you lie! You should have just told me! Instead you said you had practice"

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