To Fridge And Back

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Word count: 4.2k

Eddie Munson was not known for being the most patient person in the whole world. He had a very limited amount of patience for those who took up more than the allotted time than was appropriate. He snapped at people for interrupting him, he grew angry at people who got off task, he got frustrated with those who never paid attention for more that 5 minutes. That applied to everyone, except y/n. Now Eddie had the softest spot for y/n.

Eddie was always so patient with y/n. At first he was a little baffled at the words that came out of her mouth or even the things she said in response to what eddie may have said. But growing to learn how her brain thinks, he became very patient and caring with her train of thought.

Eddie and y/n met through their mutual friend Steve, it was at a party. Eddie was there to deal a little bit and y/n was there to have a good time.
"Can you hold my drink I really have to pee!" Y/n shoved her drink into the hands of the metal head.
"Uh-yeah sure" Eddie nodded with furrowed eyebrows.
"Thank you lots!" Y/n kissed the pads of three finger pressing it quickly to eddies cheek before scurrying off in the opposite direction.
The metal head half smiled at the affection from the girl he didn't know.
Eddie stood there holding the girls drink for 20 minutes. He didn't want to move just in case she came back anytime soon. Though she was gone for quite some time he grew bored of the waiting game she forced Eddie to play.

He glanced around the room getting fidgety, wondering where this random girl had gone.
When his eyes fell onto Steve who was talking to her, he immediately walked over. Eddie had a thin line of patience for most people, and when it came to this girl he didn't know just yet, it was the same.

"Hey" Eddie walked up to the pair.
"Hey Eddie! This is my friend y/n, y/n this is Eddie" Steve gestured to the two.
"Oh hey! My drink" y/n took the cup from Eddie's hands.
"Awe it's warm" y/n finger dipped into the liquid.
"Yeah I was holding it for you for twenty minutes" Eddie sassed as he was stating the obvious that wasn't so obvious to y/n.
"Oh Oopsie! I just went to the bathroom, and then I went outside and that's where Steve found me and now we are here" y/n said drunkenly slurring her words.
"It's cool" Eddie softened realizing how pretty y/n is.

They all made small talk while y/n danced to the music playing. Her body constantly moving with a fresh drink in her hand.

"Oh I love this song!" Y/n yelled pushing her drink back into Eddie's hands.
"Help me Steve!" Y/n pat the counter waiting for the king of Hawkins to read her mind.
"Again?" Steve rolled his eyes before setting down his drink.
He helped y/n up on the kitchen island so she could be the center of attention in the kitchen.
"Eddie come on!" Y/n motioned for Eddie to get up too.
"Do it, she won't stop begging you until you do" Steve nodded for Eddie to hop up.

"My drink Ed's!" Y/n made grabby hands at the drink he placed at their feet.
Eddie wasn't sure what it was about this girl, maybe it was the fact that she had known him for an hour and already pressed a finger kiss to his cheek and called him a nickname that no one has called him in several years.

They danced for what felt like forever on the counter, now Eddie wasn't the best dancer, but with y/n he felt so free to move to the music.

"Hey, I need you" a guy stood in front of the pair. Eddie instantly knew what he was taking about.
"Sorry, sweetheart. Gotta do something real quick" Eddie smiled at the drunk girl.
"Awe! I wanna come" y/n frowned.
"Yeah?" Eddie hopped off the counter and held his arms out to bring y/n down.
The drunk girl didn't realize she wasn't as light as a feather and jumped right into Eddie's arms, her chest press to Eddie's face.
"Shit baby" Eddie stumbled back not wanting to drop y/n.
"Oopsie" y/n slid down his front and planted her feet on the ground.
"Come on" Eddie held her hand in his and pulled her outside with the guy who just wanted some weed.

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