One More Time

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Summary: when y/n hears Eddie, her boyfriend, talking bad about her to their friends, she wants nothing to do with him anymore.

Word count: 2.6k

Y/n and Eddie have been secretly dating for the past five months unbeknownst to their friends. What a beautiful 5 months it has been. It was always a rush to not get caught, but both of them wanted more. They wanted to hold hand with each other when they went to the movies or the arcade. Y/n wanted Eddie to take her on real dates.

It's something they talked about, but they didn't want everyone to make a big deal about it. Really no one would, but they didn't want to risk it.

"Come on, Princess. We have to get going" Eddie said finishing buckling his belt.
Y/n loved that belt, she loved the handcuffs on it, she loved how Eddie used the belt on her. Everything about it.

"No, bubs. Let's just not go. I want to cuddle" y/n said laying on Eddie's bed making a pouty face. Y/n really would have rather them cuddle and listen to music all night instead of going to drink at Steve's.
"We promised we would be there, just for a few hours then we can come back home" Eddie held his hands out for y/n, who just rolled her eyes and took his help up.
"Atta girl" Eddie said as y/n got up from the bed. "Gimme a kiss" Eddie squished y/ns cheeks with his hand making her kiss him.
"You're a dork" y/n said pressing another soft kiss to Eddie lips.
"Yeah but you like it"

"I mean I'd fuck her" Eddie said to Steve. The whole friend group sat inside of Steve's basement, just talking about nonsense. Y/n could feel herself becoming more and more irritated listening to the guys talk about who they wanted to fuck. Eddie didn't think much of it, it was a secret y/n and Eddie were together, so why not make it more believable. Y/ns eye almost twitched at every time they talked about a random. It was just making her upset..she couldn't remember how many drinks she had, but it was a lot.

Y/n may have had a little too much to drink, she couldn't get her hands off of Eddie, she was rubbing his arm, laying her head on him. They had always been close, but not touchy in front of their friends type close. Eddie wasn't sure what to do, it was obvious Nancy noticed, she was staring at y/n as she was snuggling up to eddie.

"What are you doing?" Eddie whispered while the rest of the group spoke about something completely stupid.
"What? I can't touch you?" Y/n whispered back.
"Not right now, not in front of everyone" Eddie peeled y/ns hand off his arms.
Y/n let out a little hmph before standing up to use the restroom. She was a little upset seeing as Eddie didn't follow her into the bathroom like he normally would. So y/n just stared at herself in the mirror for a minute or two before heading back to her friends. Y/n was annoyed Eddie didn't want her to touch him, he is her boyfriend after all.

"No I don't like her like that, she seems pretty clingy. And just not my type honestly" y/n heard from the top of the basement stairs. It was Eddie's voice, he had said those things about someone. "Come one dude, she likes you, the least you could do is give her a chance, y/n is so pretty" robin had said. Y/n quietly made her way down the stairs to see what the group was talking about.
"She's alright, kinda average, she's wanted to fuck before but I told her no, just seems a little desperate to me" Eddie completely lied, it was a full on lie.
Y/n felt a pang in her heart hearing Eddie laugh off what he just said. How long had they been taking about y/n? How long had Eddie been talking shit about her?

Eddie wasn't sure why he had said it, maybe just to keep the scent off them, because their friends started to get curious as to why they were always late to group gatherings, and why they were always sneaking off.

"That's bullshit and you know it" y/n said stepping down from the stairs. She's not sure why she said something, she could have pretended she didn't hear anything. But Eddie's words hurt her, they were like knives in her chest. She had to say something now.

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