My Girl

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Summary: Eddie and y/n have been sleeping together for the past 6 month, unbeknownst to Y/n's long time boyfriend. Eddie wants everyone to know who's girl she really is.

Word count: 4.5k

It was like y/n wanted to get caught. The danger of everyone finding out she was fucking Eddie the freak munson, is what made her whole day.

Eddies eyes scanned the school hallway, he normally passed y/n during this passing period.

In a sea of teenagers Eddie saw her, leaned up against her locker as her boyfriends arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, proving to everyone she was his.

And that's when Eddie saw it, his Iron Maiden shirt, it hung loosely on over her cheer uniform. The sight just about made Eddie's dick pop out his pants.

She didn't see Eddie as he passed by, oogiling her in the process. Although she would find out his reacting in math class, as they sat beside eachother. From his long glance he could see how it fit her slightly too big. How did her boyfriend not notice? How could she do something so risqué, yet so sexy, and still have no repercussions. 

He couldn't stop thinking about her in his shirt all day, it was almost torturous. Eddies leg tapped anxiously for the rest of the day; Eyeing the clock to see if time had moved any faster, funny thing about time, when you're looking at at, it goes by so much slower. Eddie mentally groaned at himself as every time he looked it had only been a few minutes.

The day dragged on, and even Eddie's friends couldn't help but notice his strange behavior, But brushing it off as, that's just Eddie, no one said anything.

Eddie couldn't help but think about the time he realized he had to know y/n.

It was a random summer Thursday, he had gone into the mall to purchase an item for his uncle. Walking past the ice cream shop called Scoops Ahoy, Eddie peered his head in.
" six, seven, eight, nine dollars, and fourteen cents is your change, you have a good day, okay?"

Eddie quite literally stopped and stared at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He was just standing at the open door, looking in. Not knowing if he should walk in fully or not.

"Welcome to Scoops Ahoy!" The girl called back seeing Eddie's head slightly in shop.
Fuck now he had to go in.

He liked the way she counted change back to the customers. So he had to buy ice cream that day, to hear it for himself. Only having a 20, he had to pay for his $3.56 strawberry ice cream.

"Ten, fifteen, sixteen dollars and fourth four cents is your change" she pressed the palm of her hand on the back of Eddie's open hand out for her, and dumped the quarter and dimes in his hand. "You have a good day okay"

He liked that too, the way she said okay after her sentence. She would drag out her y at the end of it, insuring you heard that she wanted you to have a good day.

"Thank you, y/n" he said shoving the change in his back pocket. He had read her name tag, what a pretty name for a pretty face.

Every few days Eddie would walk into Scoops Ahoy and order a cheap one scoop ice cream and pay with a $20, listening to how y/n counted his change back. He would savior that brief moment their skin made contact, when she put the change in his hand. Y/n should have caught on, but she thought the guy just loved ice cream.

The long haired boy would sit in the shop, maybe longer than he should have most days, And watched y/n have pretty much the same conversation every time. He could almost quote her.

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