So Wrong

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This story is going to have mature contents. If you are a minor I do not want to know that you are reading this. So I have to say that minors are not welcome to this story.
This is going to be for a mature audience, it was a request so please keep your not so nice comments to yourselves.

Word count: 15k.. buckle up

"Good morning, Mr. Munson"

"Good morning, sweetheart"

It was always a good morning, or a good afternoon and little conversations in-between.
Eddie munson, y/ns neighbor. He had watched her grow up I to the woman she was today. Eddie knew y/n was going to be a beautiful woman, he knew as soon as he saw her.
He couldn't help but feel guilty being attracted to a girl who was 25 years younger than him. But that sweet smile and that sweet little voice always got him.
As for y/n, it was like a fantasy. Having an older attractive man as a neighbor was amazing. Strutting around in itty bitty shorts and flaunting that new bikini around, just to get his attention. It never worked though, at least from what y/n could tell. She just didn't know he was watching her, every chance he got, just while her dad wasn't watching.
Eddie saw her go on dates, always wishing she wouldn't go out with the scum she did. She needed a man, someone to take care of her.

"Good morning, Mr.Munson" y/n waved as she stepped off the front porch of her home, belly in the way and all. Wearing a pretty white flowy tank top and a pair of maternity shorts that y/n swore were the ugliest things she had ever seen.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Another appointment?" The salt and peppered haired man asked as he sat man spreading on his front porch. He wore his coveralls, ready to leave for work within the next 10 minutes.
"Yes sir, it'll be a long one today"
"How come?" He took a drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke out to mix with the early fog of the morning.
"It's gender day- hurry up daddy! We are going to be late" y/n yelled for her father to hurry himself out of the house already.
"Be sure to save a sonogram for me" Eddie nodded as the girl waited at the car door for her dad.
"Morning Eddie" the man closed the front door turning to look at his neighbor.
"Morning Steve" Eddie gave a nod towards his long term friend.

"It's gender day, can't wait" a hint of sarcasm came from Steve's voice. Now Steve was not the happiest camper when he found out his only daughter got pregnant while she was still in highschool.
"Don't be such a crabby pants, grandpa" Eddie shot a wink towards the almost grandfather.
"Yeah yeah, see you later"

They always had y/n pee in a cup at every appointment, she should know by now that they ask her to every single time, yet every single time she didn't have to pee. So they always had to wait a good 15 minutes before leaving the place for y/n to chug a small water bottle and empty her blatter into a plastic cup.
The drive back home wasn't long, only a mere 15 minutes. But it was filled with smile from both parties that filled the car, deciding how to plan a gender reveal party. Y/n didn't want to know the gender, opting for her dad to know and plan a party for everyone to find out together. As much as Steve was not happy with his daughter for getting knocked up, he was happy to have such a beautiful daughter who he knew was going to be a great mom.
If only he knew the son of a bitch who got her pregnant and dipped on her.

"I have to take one of these to Mr.Munson" y/n said after a few hours of being home. Changing into a form fitting dress with with a snug cardigan on top, really showing off her 5 month baby bump. Something about those maternity clothes didn't feel right to y/n, absolutely hating them. She really wished they made cute clothes for pregnant women, although they didn't have the idea of teen moms in their heads when making the clothing.
"Okay baby" Steve called back from the couch, he loved that his daughter and best friend got along so well.

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