Pageant Princess

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Summary: y/n gets jealous of girls flirting with Eddie, but they are just friends.

Word count: 4.1k

Y/n is the poster girl for Hawkins Indiana.
Y/n won first place Little Miss Hawkins the first time when she was 4 years old, and all the up until she was 12 years old.
Y/n won first place Teenage Miss Hawkins from 13 to 18.
And now she has Young Adult Miss Hawkins first place under her belt, and will now be continuing her journey to Miss Indiana. Then hopefully all the way up to Miss Universe. That would be the ideal dream for y/n.

She had been competing in pageants almost her whole life, never losing a single competition.
Something about y/ns crowns and y/ns sashes made y/n feel like she had a purpose.

Everyone just absolutely adored y/n, they adored everything about her. Little girls would ask for her autograph. Small businesses would ask she be there for their ribbon cutting.
Y/n was even there cutting the large ribbon for the new mall.

Eddie saw her one day, he saw her walking down Main Street, big curls in her hair, a tiara perched perfectly on the top of her head. She wore a large white sash and some huge stiletto heels. But in her hand was a turkey leg, and she was going at it.
Eddie knew that he had to know this girl.

"Where did you get that?" Eddie crossed the street, his chain jingling on his belt.
"At the fair" y/n said with the most beautiful pearly smile Eddie had ever seen.
"Ugh I would love one one" Eddie smiled walking along side y/n.
"We can get you one. They will give me one for free" y/n pointed back toward the fair.
"How will we get in? I don't have any money on me at the moment"
"Stick with me kid, and you'll be fine" y/n laughed turning around guiding Eddie back to the fair.

"Why do you have all the stuff?" Eddie asked pulling softly at y/ns sash.
"First place Miss Lady Hawkins, tomorrow I leave to go to the Miss Indiana pageant" y/n took a large bite out of her turkey leg.

They made small chat after Eddie received his free turkey leg. He was really intrigued with this girl. He saw a pretty pageant girl walking all by her lonesome, eating a turkey leg like a beast. He thought she was pretty cool.

And after that they became such good friends. No one really understood why y/n wanted to be friends with him. He was just so different from her sparkly pink and baby blue lifestyle.
He saw the real her, when he walked up to her, it wasn't to hit on her. It was for a damn turkey leg, and that's what she liked.

Over the past year, y/n may have grown a little crush on the metal lover. She just became absolutely obsessed with him. Not in a toxic way, just in a she always wanted to be near him.

For months Eddie had been asking for y/n to go to one of his gigs, she had been so busy for the past few month she didn't have time to. But finally she had a day to go see her best friend preform live, not in some shitty garage.
It was such a rush, everyone jamming out to one of Corroded Coffins songs.

Eddies eyes found y/n front row and center. She was kind of hard to miss with large pink headphones on her head. Eddie wanted to make sure her ears were alright so he spent the whole day looking for pink ones, he knew she would Love them.

Y/n had never heard Eddie actually sing before, she had heard him half singing. But this was real, and he was really good. Y/n found herself singing to the song she had heard a million times, it was so fun for her to not have to worry about her appearance, just be singing and dancing to her best friends song.

Immediately after Eddie exited the small stage, y/n quickly tried to catch up to them, wanting to tell Eddie how good he was.

Just before her and her bright pink headphones could reach him, she was cut off by some edgy looking girl. She wore fishnets and high waisted cut off shorts. Her crop top was so short, she might as well not even wore anything.
She immediately began talking to Eddie, making him smile and profusely thank the girl.
Y/n went up to the rest of the band telling them how much she loved their performance, while waiting for Eddie to stop giggling and chatting it up with this random.

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