Forgive Us Three Father

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Part 3!!! I really hope y'all enjoyyy! Lowkey not edited so I'm sorry

Word count: 6.2k

"That's it baby, pray to your god" Eddie ran his ring adorned fingers through y/ns soft freshly washed hair.
There he sat, legs open, cock out, in front of y/n as she kneeled in prayer.
His cock twitched at every prayer, knowing as soon as she was finished those pretty lips would be wrapped around his growing length.
"Such a pretty pretty girl" Eddie smiled down seeing y/ns cheeks flush red with a smile on her face.
"My pretty girl"

Y/n absolutely embodied everything pure in Eddie's eyes. His eyes went wide anytime he saw y/n. In the hallways he would basically bow down and worship her. His friends often said he was whipped for her, to which they were right. But Eddie didn't need to tell them that.

His body craved y/ns body. He loved every single second he got with her. Movie nights being his favorite, just being snuggled up together, being able to smell her shampoo so closely. He loved it.

His girl.. all his. His sinful girl, his corrupted girl, his girl.

"All mine" Eddie would say kissing y/ns nose.
"All yours eds" y/n would giggle feeling Eddie's hands roam on her thighs.

Those who sin and those who don't are equally loved in the eyes of God. Those who corrupt and those who get corrupted are equally loved. Those who pressure their peers are just as bad as those who are gullible enough to get peer pressured.

Everyone sins. Some sins are just greater than others.

It's the little things in life that count, it's the big things too. Those little moments shared in laughs or even just looks between friends are always looked back on and cherished.

In the Bible it says that if you put your faith in the holy trinity, your prayers will be answered.. and Eddie had never put his faith into god, not until this very moment.
This moment of him praying y/n would forgive him just like god forgives her. Eddie couldn't help but ask for forgiveness for corrupting Gods most perfect follower.

He had joked once or twice about burning the church to the ground.. and sure it was all jokes. Not one time was he serious.

Now it was Eddie's idea to show up to church, dressed in his most Sunday appropriate attire, and it was his idea to profess his love for y/n to her father, interrupting his communion... and it was Eddie's idea.. now well, we shouldn't spoil what else is to come.. let's back up to just before Eddie's big ending to his plan.

"You're such a pretty girl, sucking my cock like- ah fuuuck" Eddie felt y/n take him all the way to her throat. The feeling of y/ns now not virgin throat squeezing around Eddie's thick cock was like no other. The way her tongue tried to stick out to lick whatever it could reach made Eddie's toes curl.

"Atta girl" Eddie had his legs rested on y/ns shoulders, settling back on his pillows getting nice and comfy. It was like a throne- his first being the hellfire throne, second being his lunch seat, third being the throne y/n carefully made stacking pillows in a C for Eddie to sit comfy on.

"Good fucking girl" Eddie voice was deep, rolling his head back as he forced y/n down with his legs. Her spit dripping down her chin as Eddie's legs went to wrap around y/ns head, smothering her. Keeping her down.
"You do it exactly how I like it baby" Eddie smiled down at his princess. She had been taking to Eddie's lessons very well. He taught her exactly what he wanted and y/n made sure to get the hang of it quickly. Y/n wanted nothing more than to please Eddie. Nothing felt as good as Eddie's moans and praises, absolutely nothing.

Eddie's words sent a throb throughout y/ns body. Always telling her exactly how she's doing, letting her know what he wants next. Eddie was very good at telling y/n how she's doing, and every time it made y/n feel herself grow wet. He needed her to know, he needed her to see how good he trained her. Eddie trained her like a little puppy, trained to do and say whatever at his command.

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