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This one kind of hops around a bit! I always try my best to space things out so they make sense on when the break in time is.

Italics is a memory!

Also I'm sorry for any errors I only edited this once.

Word count: 6.2k

Othello syndrome- refers to the delusion of infidelity of a significant other. Sometimes used interchangeably with morbid jealousy.

Greed- selfish and excessive desire of something or someone.

Possessive- unwilling to share what is yours.

Jealousy- an emotion that invokes feelings of fears of losing what's yours.

Envy- a feeling of discontented or resentful longing for someone else's possessions

Jealousy and envy are normally both thought to be the same thing. But, Oh no my friend, they very different.. Eddie knows the differences.
Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have...envy is wanting what someone else has.

Eddie has felt every single one of these definitions. Let's take a deep dive and discover why Eddie feels the way he does.

Eddie felt weird for the past few weeks. He had watched his friend go several dates with multiple guys from their old high school.
His friend of several years, just bouncing around from guy to guy made him feel sick.
Eddie knew for quite some time of his feeling for y/n. How could he deny his feelings any longer than what he already had.
He was greedy to take y/n all for himself, She is his best friend after all.

Now this is important-
He didn't mind sharing her with their friends, just not with other guys.

He had seen his best friend come back from terrible dates crying about why she wasn't good enough.

"Don't get it Ed's. How-how come I'm never good enough? Am I not pretty?" Y/n cried into Eddie's chest on the couch of the apartment they shared.
"You are pretty, y/n. Really fucking pretty. These guys aren't good enough for you." Eddie let his hands draw patterns all over y/ns back, trying to calm her down.
"You're too good for me, Eddie" y/n sniffed after a few more minutes of crying.
"I'm the perfect amount of good for you, y/n" Eddie said lifting y/ns chin up so he could see her eyes. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her, he wanted to finally feel what it would be like to kiss her lips.

But before he could even think about actually doing it, she leaned into his touch, pressing her lips to his. It was an enchanting kiss, one that just about put a spell on Eddie. He fell head over heals in love with y/n in that very moment.

Every time he saw her after that, he looked at her as if she hung the moon and the stars in the sky. Both of them actively avoided their kiss afterwards, pretending like it didn't happen.
So y/n chose to distract herself.. by dating someone. Just something to keep her mind off of her true feelings for Eddie Munson.

Eddie was upset, angry even.
Y/n had started dating a person by the name of Andrew. He seemed like a good person from what Eddie heard. Although, Y/n didn't talk much about him, she wasn't the type to constantly bring up her significant other. Sure he was a nice guy, but he was just someone to distract her.

Eddie Munson One Shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang