Special Kisses 2

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I didn't mean for this to be so long. Sorry not sorry.

Part two of special kisses. More of the back story of how this wild situation happened. I really hope I did this right.

Really jumpy and lowkey the time line doesn't make sense, but it's just for fun.

Word count: 13.3k

After Y/ns  father passed, her and her mother moved to Hawkins Indiana in the year of 1983. She was the new girl at school...fresh meat.
Y/n didn't mind being the new girl at school, it meant she was getting a lot of attention; something that she likes. She had loads of people wanting to be her friend, wanting to learn things about her, and wanting to know what it was like to live in New York.
She's a city girl, so moving out to Indiana was a big change. She was mad at her mom at first for wanting to leave everything they knew behind. She was mad that her mom wanted to leave their home.

She wasn't mad for much longer realizing the popularity that she gained, she wasn't actively looking to be popular, but being well liked sure did help her stop being mad at her mom.

This girl wasn't a cheerleader or anything like that.
She did wear pretty little outfits, mostly consisting of fun colors, crop tops, and short dresses.
That's what he liked about her, how pretty y/n is, how girly she dresses.
He had always seen her walking amongst the popular crowd, No way a girl like that could ever go for Eddie. He just looked at her and melted into a big puddle of love.
He had never heard her speak but he heard how dumb she is. That's all everyone said, y/n is so ditzy.

Sure, She lacked some sort of common sense... just so unaware of her surroundings. She grew up in New York, her father homeschooled her, so she never learned what her father didn't want to teach her. Sex Ed being one of the many things he didn't teach her.

Y/n knew of Eddie, she had seen him around the school, she had heard he was a freak. He didn't look like much of a freak to her, lots of people looked like that in the busy state of New York.
She had seen his tough looks around school, she had seen is wild outbursts in the cafeteria, and she had heard he was a devil worshiper.
She didn't believe that last one though.

The popular group made sure to tell y/n to stay away from Eddie and his little rat pack. She didn't really question why, she just wanted her friends to like her. If she didn't have her friends she wouldn't have anybody.

Y/n was also receiving little love notes in her locker. It was probably about 5 months of her being at Hawkins high when they started showing up. Little scraps of paper with little sentences written on it. Everyday she looked forward to seeing that sloppy handwriting, she always looked around the hall to see who may have been watching her but never saw anyone who stuck out.

"You look pretty in blue"

"I love that dress on you"

"You are so pretty, y/n"

She wanted to know who was sending her those little notes, she wanted to thank the person for thinking she was pretty, she was also hoping maybe she could finally have a boyfriend. Yet no one came forward as she asked around, so she let it be. So the notes continued for two years, from her being a sophomore to a senior.

Y/n was happy for her mom when she found out she was dating a man named Wayne.
Although she may have been a little upset that her mother was moving on from her father, but she was just happy that her mom found someone to make her happy.
Y/n was excited to meet the man that made her mom come out of her depression. It had been two years of her mom going to work and coming home, sharing few smiles in between.
Y/n tried her best to make her mom happy, even though she knew her mom lost one of the greatest loves of her life.
She knew that she would always love her father, she knew her mom would always love him as well, but was excited to see the next chapter in her life.

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