Pillow Princess

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⛔️ warning this one is a little dark. Definitely non con in this one shot. Please do not read of you are uncomfortable.
But those of you who are sick like me and want Eddie fucking Munson to do anything he wants to you whenever he wants please enjoy. There will be a part two.

Summary: y/n isn't a pillow Princess.. or is she?

Word count: 4.4k

"Watch out pillow princess" Eddie laughed as y/n pushed past him. He threw his hands up in the air looking down at her with a wicked grin plastered on his face. He knew how to get a reaction out of her, he knew how to do it every time.
"What did you just call me?" The girl snapped at him, turning around as quickly as she pushed passed him. Her eye almost twitched at the title he called her. Not once had Eddie used a name like that towards her. Most of the time calling her sweets or Angel face. He knew how to press her buttons that's for sure.

The girl wore pretty pastels, her hair so perfectly done with zero flyaways, her nails in a perfect French manicure; this pretty girl is exactly opposite of Eddie Munson.

Maybe in every way except his temper, this girl had a temper on her. Zero to one hundred at any given moment. And Eddie knew this, he just likes to push her buttons. Y/n was known around the school for putting people in their place. Someone was a racist? y/n was there to help them see a little more clearly. Someone made homophobic jokes? Y/n was there to punish them. She didn't care how many times she was brought down to the principals office, she was there to right the wrongs of Hawkins high, no matter If they were a girl or a boy. Y/n would make sure to get her point across.

Eddie never pushed her too far, he saw the damage y/n could do. He never wanted to be at the brutal end of y/ns attacks.
Eddie was more bark than bite, while y/n.. well she was bark then bite... then bark some more while you're laying on the ground from her bite.

Why hadn't eddie ever pushed his luck? Why did he liked to see this small girl get all riled up? Because shes his best friend. He knew where to draw the line, like said before he knew how to press her buttons.
It wasn't like they hid their friendship, they just didn't have the same crowd. The two did hang out publicly, they did sit with each other at lunch some times. It just wasn't ever a big deal.

"I said, watch where you're going pillow Princess" Eddie let his tongue poke the inside of his cheek a few times. His voice a little louder than before, definitely drawing in a crowd.
"Pillow princess?" y/n glared at Eddie with her head cocked to the side.
"Yeah you heard me. What are you going to do about it, huh?" Eddie teased pressing his hands to his hips letting his shirt rise just ever so sightly.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, Munson" y/n bit her tongue. Instead of saying anything harsh to Eddie, she had promised herself today she would try to be happier and let things slide, like the counselor had told her.

Eddie thought he got away with his words, he thought maybe his crime would go unpunished. Surly y/n always had some snarky comeback to say. It was weird that he insulted her and she had nothing to say about it.

Y/n and Eddie were the type of friends that were very descriptive in sharing their sex lives. Not that they talked about it all the time, but every once in a while they would get high and y/n would show Eddie things that she liked.

"No tighter Eddie, like- yeah yeah like that" y/n was laid under Eddie, his hand wrapped tightly around her throat, showing him how to choke out a girl properly. She could feel his weight on her hips and he straddled her, choosing to ignore the throb in her soft cotton panties... and both of them choosing to ignore Eddie's evident tent in his jeans.
"That doesn't hurt?" Eddie was kind of scared of hurting someone, let alone his best friend.
"The pain makes it good, just a little tighter Eddie." Y/n nearly moaned as his cold silver rings dig into her delicate skin a little more.
"You're sick"
As was he.

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