I Can See That

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I'm back bitches
I'm sorry, the last portion isn't edited.
This request is so cute y'all, but also a little spicy!!!

Word count: 4.0k

Eddie knew y/n was going to be stressed today after work.
It's the day after thanksgiving; Black Friday.

Right after all y/n slaved away in the kitchen making every single possible food for thanksgiving for their friends and family, y/n barely ate and went straight to bed.
The mall opened up at midnight and y/n being one of  the managers at the Victoria's Secret, he knew she was going to be stressed. She dreaded Black Friday as a retail worker, now more than ever as she was promoted to product manager a few months ago.

Eddie kept telling y/n that they didn't have to host this year, but y/n already promised everyone they would.
The couple purchased a little home just on the outskirts of Hawkins. It wasn't the best home, but it was their home. They loved the over grown weeds, the cracked driveway, the squeaky floorboard right outside the bathroom, the wack paint job Eddie did in the living room; It was theirs. They were going to grow their family in that home, it was perfect in their eyes. Although they did sleep on an air mattress for the first few months, and the window was broken so it allowed the cold Indiana air to seep in throughout the night, but they made it work. They would snuggle between three layers of blankets, holding each other for warmth. Eddie was in no rush to get the window fixed, as he needed y/n to be that close in his arms always.
Y/n and Eddie met in high school; High school sweethearts. Eddie knew when he saw her and her bubbly personality, he was going to marry her.

The first day of junior year, well Y/ns first day of junior year; Eddie's second attempt at senior year.
Y/n was holding her coffee, two text books, and a few pens.
"Shit" y/n groaned loudly, causing Eddie and his friends who stood a few feet away to look over.
Eddie completely shut off, his whole being almost dropped dead. He had never notice this girl before, how had he not noticed her before? Her hair in a pretty braid, her lips perfectly poured with a pink gloss, her legs... oh fuck those legs almost threw Eddie into a different dimension.

All the other guys continued to talk while Eddie just stared. Thinking quickly he rushed over and scooped up the pen, spinning it between his fingers.
"Hey you dropped this"
"I can see that, thank you" y/n giggles taking the pen from his hand.
Before Eddie could even say anything, she just turned away and walked off. It wasn't until 2nd period they were assigned lab partners.
"Looks like we are lab partners" y/n sat down beside the boy with long hair.
"I can see that" Eddie mimicked y/ns first words to him.

'I can see that' became their thing. Anytime the other pointed out the obvious they would say that to each other. Even the first time they confessed their love for each other.

"Because I love you, y/n. I fucking love you" Eddie threw his hands in the air. They were arguing about why y/n shouldn't go out on a date with some random jock. They were just friends for the first year of knowing each other.

A cigarette hung loose on his lip as y/n was trying to decide if it was smoke he was blowing out of his mouth or if it was the cold air.
"Why do you think these fucking jocks are worth you!? You are beautiful, you are funny, you are smart. So fucking smart! So why can't you be smart enough to see I'm the one who deserves you? That I'm the one who will take care of you always? How can you- fuck" Eddie paused taking a breath. "How can you not see how much I love you" Eddie was ranting, his fingers carding through his hair as he spoke, his heart clobbering in his chest having sat with his emotions for way too long. Risking his friendship over this argument was worth every bit of it, he had to tell her how he felt.

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