Special Kisses

7.5K 77 143

This may not be for everyone. Plot twist that will have your jaw on the floor.

Word count- 4.8k

"Eds! Please gimme it!" Y/n whined jumping up to reach what Eddie dangled over their heads. Her pouty lips made Eddie's heart melt. It took everything in him to not just pass it down to her.
"Say please Princess" Eddie smirked looking down into y/ns glistening eyes.
"I already said please Eddie" y/n frowned pushing her bottom lip out to give Eddie the sweetest puppy dog face.
"One more time, baby" Eddie persuaded.
"Please Eddie give it to me" y/n gave her best pleading eyes.
"Of course, all you had to do was beg" he said with a sweet smile on his lips, pulling his arm down dangling y/ns black lacy panties in front of her eyes.

"Now, I don't want you wearing these at school, only for me to see. I don't want to catch you wearing anything like this again. Okay, Princess?" Eddie's voice was stern, showing y/n he wasn't messing around.

Y/ns only choice in underwear was a lace thong, as the rest of her underwear was commandeered by Eddie or was dirty.
She wore a pretty baby blue dress, that went just past her mid thigh, a soft white cardigan and white keds. Her black lace thong visible when she bent down to pick up a textbook that had fallen from her locker.

"Hey hey"  Eddie ran up to his Princess, covering her back side from who ever may be looking.
"Hey Ed's" y/n stood up tall looking to see a very frantic Eddie.
"You can't bend down like that, you can see your whole ass" Eddie whispered leaning around y/n to make sure her dress was pulled down.
"I'm sorry Eddie, I didn't know" she felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"Just- just don't lean down Princess, I will see you later." Eddie said sternly, before rushing back to his friends who saw the whole incident.

"Yes Eddie" y/n took the panties and chunked them in her pink hamper.
She slipped out of her school clothes putting on pink soft shorts and a matching pink baby tee that exposed her whole mid drift. She has a cute pink rhinestone belly button piercing, Eddie picked it out himself. He suggested y/n should get one as she loved to show her tummy off, he was there when she got it pierced, giving her hand squeezed and giving her head kisses as she was scared to get it done.
Eddie couldn't help but smile at what is his. Every single inch of y/n, Eddie was obsessed with.

Y/n is his.

"Hey Eddie are you staying for dinner tonight?" Y/ns mom asked as the two made their way down the stairs.
"Yeah I don't have band practice tonight, someone called in sick" Eddie smiled kindly at the woman who was cutting up some vegetables. Eddie is the one who told the group he wasn't feeling well, all to spend more time with y/n.
"Oh good, we are having steak, how do you like yours cooked again?" Y/ns mom continued to chop up the zucchini.
"I like my medium rare"  he answered following y/n to the living room.
The two sat on the same couch, y/ns legs draped across Eddie's thighs, as he rubbed small circles into them.
"Don't tickle me, Ed's" y/n made her best angry face at the metal head, he had started squeezing her thighs trying to find that good spot that always made her laugh.
In Eddie's eyes, y/ns angry face was just the cutest, her brows knitted together, her lips in a frown that she so desperately tried to keep from turning into a smile. Just the sweetest little face.

Oh how Eddie just adored y/n. The moment he saw that cute girl walking in the halls of Hawkins high, he knew he had to have her. Which he never did get her until recently. Eddie turned into a bottomless pit of goo as soon as y/n made eye contact with him. No way he could ever talk her. That was until just a few months ago.
Eddie was repeating his senior year for the third time this year. She was just a sophomore when she moved to Hawkins, now she's a senior, with Eddie. Y/n wasn't always the brightest, most around the school knew how dumb she is, so Eddie protected her from others cruel words. He really was like a big brother to her. Until one day that all turned into something a little more romantic. They had both pushed their feelings for each other to the side, not wanting to hurt their friendship and close bond.
One thing led to another and now 6 months later the two couldn't get enough of each other.
Eddie still acted as y/ns protector, as it is his job. He couldn't let anyone hurt his princess.

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