Immortal - Part 7 - Steve x Tony x Reader

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"Just like him..............." (Y/n) said without thinking, as Tony looked up at her through his thick, dark lashes.

"And whom might this him be? A handsome rogue, I hope............." Tony enquired with a smile, as he stood and took the new agent in properly. A really odd feeling that he had seen her somewhere before, gnawing at the back of his mind.

It was true that he had never met the woman before, there was no way that he would have forgotten if he had; but still...........he was sure that he had seen her before. Either that, or someone that looked very much like her. The billionaire having a feeling that her doppelganger, had been in one of his father's black and white pictures from the time of Rogers and Barnes. Tony making a mental note to go and dig through the boxes of his dad's things, when he next got the chance.

" was just someone I used to know. And yes........he was a handsome rogue, Mister Stark." The immortal explained. Unable to stop herself from smiling, as he continued to hold her hand. A cough from behind the pair, reminding Tony that there were others still in the room. The billionaire rolling his eyes, as Fury crossed his arms and gave him one of those looks.

"Oh yes, the others. Please let me introduce you, agent le Faye.............."

"(Y/n). You can just call me (Y/n). And I would very much like that." The immortal said, as she allowed Howard's son to take her arm and lead her away from Steve, so that he could introduce her to the rest of the team that were in the room.


Bucky made his way over to Steve, as Tony introduced the lady that the director had brought with him, to Bruce and then Nat. The captain had been stood there, just watching the new agent since Fury had brought her forward. There was a strange look on his old friend's face; a look that the soldier couldn't quite place, but he was sure that the colour had drained from Steve's face. Bucky having the strangest feeling that if he didn't support him, Steve might just end up slumped into the nearest chair.

"Steve? What.......................?"

"I know her................." Steve simply replied, as he leant against the table by his side. The captain feeling something in the pit of his stomach, twist and turn as he saw her smile.

As soon as she had appeared from behind the director, she had sent his mind instantly rushing back. Steve's thoughts being bombarded with images, memories that were of another life. He could see himself as he once was, as he used to be when he and Bucky had first met. He could see Camp Lehigh as if he was right back there, struggling with all the training, struggling to keep up with the others; being mocked and bullied. Yet despite everything that he and the other men, that were there for Project Rebirth had to do, he had always noticed that he was being watched. Watched by a woman.

She was always in the background, just in the shadows, always out of the way, out of reach. A woman that was dressed in civilian clothes, just..........watching. He could remember once asking Peggy, asking Erskine who the woman was; the pair lying to him, telling him that there was no such woman. That he must have been mistaken. But he knew he wasn't, knew he wasn't imagining things. That she was always there.

And he knew that she had been there when he had been accepted for the project. There when he had met Howard, there when anything important had happened to him. When he had been strapped into the Vita-Ray Chamber. When he had been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, and when his body had been flushed with the Vita Radiation. A subtle smell of a strange perfume following after her. And that same scent was filling his sense now.

"You can't know her. The file said that she's been working in England, Europe until recently..............."

"I don't care what the file says..........." Steve replied quietly, as he turned to look at Bucky. It feeling as though Peggy, Erskine were once again denying what he knew.

"I know her from Camp Lehigh, from when I became Captain America. She was there................."

"She can't have been, Steve. I mean, did you actually see her.....? She would be over a hundred if you're right, but she looks like she's in her 30s at most.............unless she got the serum too........."

"No. I never saw her, not properly. But I know it's her. I know she was there. And maybe she did get the serum too................"

"If she had, Fury would have said something. He would have told us. And how are you so sure that its her..........." Bucky reasoned, trying to make sense of what his friend was saying. The sargent watching as the agent spoke to Clint and Thor.

"She...........its the smell of the perfume. It's the same perfume............." Steve replied, the rest of his words drifting off, as he realised how ridiculous this all sounded. That with just the smell of a scent, he had convinced himself that this new agent had been there over eighty years ago, when his life had changed.

"And last, and very least, we have America's ass and the one-armed bandit." Tony's voice came. Causing both old soldiers to look to the grinning billionaire.

"Or if you prefer........Captain Steve Rogers and Sargent James Barnes. Or Statler and Waldorf." Tony continued, his smile getting broader, as the beautiful agent chuckled, before she stepped forward and offered Steve her hand. The immortal feeling her heart jump up into her throat, as he took her hand.

"Captain Rogers.........It is a pleasure to finally meet you............" 

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