The talking dead - Part 2 - Bruce x Reader

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"Er..........yes, Professor, that kind of help. I wouldn't ask unless it was important. I know what happens to (Y/n) whenever she does it..........."

"Exactly, Bruce. That is why we keep her away from anything like that. Why she rarely uses her abilities. She hasn't left the school since she arrived here. Given that, I doubt that she will come to the Avenger compound. And if she gets hurt from helping you, I don't think the others would be too happy. Especially not................"

I know, Professor. Really, I do. But........well, we need the information that the body we have, could give us. We need to know what Hydra has planned, and (Y/n) is the only person I know of, that could possibly get that information. I've never heard of anyone having a mutation like hers before. Of anyone being able to do what she can do. We are in the air right now. We could bring the corpse to you. She wouldn't have to leave the school at all. And we will do whatever we need to do to make sure that she comes to no harm. You have my word." Bruce interrupted. The doctor not meaning to sound rude. Not wanting to push the point. But knowing if the professor wouldn't let them see (Y/n), then if the base in Bolivia proved to be just the tip of an iceberg, then he and the rest of the Avengers could find themselves ending up just like the Titanic.

"No one can protect (Y/n) from the horrors that she sees. From the demons that haunt her. You know that. But it would appear that you have left us with little choice, Doctor Banner. I will go and speak with (Y/n). Try and persuade her to help you. But if she says no, then I am afraid I won't be pushing her to change her mind. We will make sure that the landing area is ready and waiting for you. The others and I will greet you, when you arrive." Charles explained. A slight hint of annoyance in his voice, before the image of his face suddenly disappeared.

"Well, I don't know who this someone of yours is Bruce, but I have never seen Xavier quite so curt. I didn't know it was possible for him to let that British stiff upper lip of his, quiver. But obviously I was wrong." Tony chuckled, as he leant against the wall. The billionaire only having caught the end of Bruce's and the professor's conversation.

"So, you gonna tell me what the hell this is all about, and why we have to drag a corpse with us back to upstate New York?" Tony asked, as he made his way over to join an uncomfortable looking Bruce.

"We........we are going to see a sort of mutant by the name of (Y/n). Well......that is if the professor can persuade her to see us. Which I'm not sure he will. He's right, I should never have presumed to ask. It's not fair............."

"Bruce, you're rambling again. Just, tell me about this (Y/n)." Tony interrupted, hoping to get the doctor back on track.

"The others in the school will only ever call her, (Y/n). But in the the past she was called by many other names. But the name that the last people that held her and used her, gave her, was the one that stuck. To them, and anyone that dare come up against them, she was known as Necro. A mutant with the ability to speak to the dead." Bruce began, knowing that now he had begun, Tony would have many more questions.

"Necro? Talk to the dead? Are you serious, Bruce? How the hell can someone talk to the dead? They're dead! I know I'm no doctor, but even I know being dead sort of stops a person's ability to form words. And why would Xavier get so hot under the collar about us seeing this woman? What are you taking us to see?" Tony countered. The billionaire not sure that he liked the idea of meeting anything that someone would call 'Necro'.

"Life and death are never that simple, Tony. (Y/n)........(Y/n) isn't exactly what you would call, alive, in the strictest sense anyway. But she isn't dead either. In truth, she can't die. She sort of exists in the plane between this world and the next. A being with the ability to move between both worlds but cannot truly live in either. When the X-Men found her, she was being used by some big crime syndicate. They would kill their enemies and then drag their corpses to (Y/n), forcing her to use her powers to talk to them. To get her to find out as much as she could from bodies, before they finally made their way to the other side. The only problem is that whenever she speaks to the dead, its not just the departed spirit that comes through. For guys like the ones she was forced to speak to, well let's just say, that the devil comes for his own. The fires of hell licking at the feet of (Y/n), as well as those of the dead. She sees terrible things Tony. The souls of the damned writhing in excruciating pain in the fires of hell. Their agonising screams filling her nights, as she tries to sleep. Their begging for her to save them from their fate, as she watches demons drag the wicked souls to the fiery pit, cursing her waking moments. (Y/n) having to fight her way out of hell, every time she uses her ability. Since they found her, (Y/n) hasn't stepped foot outside of the school. It is the only place that she feels safe. The only place that she doesn't have to deal with death and its repercussions. And now.........well now I have asked if we can bring it to her." Bruce explained. Now feeling worse than ever, that he had even thought about asking for her help.

"Well, I suppose that explains why we need the stiff in the bag. But how do you know all this? If she hasn't left the school...........?"

"Believe it or not, Tony. Even I occasionally leave the labs." Bruce huffed, hating the idea that Tony seemed to think he was a permanent fixture of the compound.

"After they found her, the professor and Doctor McCoy asked me to the school, so that I could give her a full medical examination. It was then I discovered that (Y/n) isn't exactly like the rest of us. She is alive for all intents and purposes. She appears little different to any of those around her. But she has no heartbeat. No brain functions that show up on any machine. She doesn't need to eat or breath, though imitates both to make those around her feel more comfortable. (Y/n) is, to put not too fine a point on it. The living dead." Bruce added. The doctor not really sure that the explanation he had given would make Tony feel any more comfortable about going to meet the mutant.

"Great! That's all we need. And Wilson thought that the stiff in here was the thing to worry about. No, we have to go headlong into a scene from Night of the Living Dead. Are you sure that this is really a good..........."

"No, Tony! I'm not sure that it's a good idea. I actually have no desire to put (Y/n) through this. But if you want to go back and tell Fury that you fucked up by killing the last guy alive. That we couldn't find out what the hell Hydra has planned this time, because you felt the need to show off. Please be my guest. But if I, were you, I would be careful what you say about the only person that could get us out of the shit. In fact, I would say that I don't want you to meet her at all. You're bound to say something dumb, and we will have to try and talk a bunch of angry mutants out of kicking your ass. So, why don't you just do us all a favour and stay onboard the Quinjet and let those that have the ability to be diplomatic, take care of this for you. Now, if you will excuse me. I have to tell Clint where we are going." Bruce growled, banging his fist on the desk in front of him. The doctor angered by the billionaire's reaction, and his often childish outlook on the world. Bruce making for the cockpit, in hopes that by the time that he had got there, the tinge of green that was creeping up from his hands, would have gone. 

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