An old friend - Part 9 - Steve x Bucky x Reader

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"How am I doing this?" (Y/n) asked in amazement, as the car continued to rise into the air.

"I don't know, but will you be careful with that........." Tony replied nervously, as he watched his R8 continue to float over their heads.

"Can either of you do this?" The female captain enquired, as she felt Steve and Bucky move to stand by her sides.

"" The two old soldiers replied in unison. As they stared on in disbelief. Tony closing his eyes and cringing, as his Audi flipped over.

"Then how can I............?" She continued. The billionaire breathing out a sigh of relief, as his precious car finally landed back on its wheels before she turned and looked at her two old friends.

"(Y/n)..........we don't know what you can do yet. But its obvious that whatever they did to you; whatever serums that they gave you, they were different to the stuff that Buck and I got..........." Steve explained, as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Then, perhaps it is time that we started to find out what I can do. I think that it's been left long enough." (Y/n) replied, as she turned and looked at her two old friends.

"Hit me!"

"What...............?" Bucky enquired, as he looked between Steve and (Y/n).

"Hit me. Both of you. Now..............!"

"But (Y/n)......................"

"Just do it!" (Y/n) exclaimed back. The two men looking at one another. At (Y/n). At Tony who just shrugged, before going back to checking on his car. Steve and Bucky looking at one another once again before reaching back and going to punch. The two old soldiers finding their arms being stopped before they could get them anywhere near (Y/n). The pair finding that no matter how much they tried, their arms continued to just hang in the air. The female captain smiling broadly, as she imagined releasing her boy's arms. Their limbs falling to their sides.

"Now............shoot me......................."

"" Bucky quickly retorted. Having no intention of doing anything like that. He, along with Steve not wanting to lose her now that they had just got her back.

"I didn't mean shoot to kill me. Just aim at something that I can recover from.................."

"(Y/n)..............I don't think that would be a good idea..........We have no idea............." Steve interrupted. Doing his best to be the voice of reason in the situation.

"Steve..............I know I can do this..............I can feel it............just, please, trust me. Both of you." (Y/n) countered, taking both of their hands. Steve turning to Bucky and nodding reluctantly. The Winter Soldier taking out his gun and pointing it at (Y/n), as she stepped back. The female captain giving him a reassuring nod. His finger hesitating for a moment, before he felt it move on the trigger. Bucky closing his eyes, only opening them when he heard Tony exclaim. His eyes growing wide, as he saw the bullet hanging in the air and (Y/n) walking around it. Tapping it with her finger and knocking it into her palm. Juggling it, as the heat from the metal hit her hand. Steve and Tony joining Bucky. Their mouths agog, as (Y/n) made her way over to them and dropped the projectile into the soldier's hand.

"That was....................." The female captain began. No more words coming, as she suddenly turned ashen and fell to her knees. Looking as is something horrific had just hit her. A sudden, awful realisation. Bucky and Steve kneeling by her side. Neither sure what was going on. Neither sure what, if anything they were to say.


"That's what they were doing, wasn't it? That's what they wanted to turn me into. They were making me into a weapon to help with their war efforts. If the war hadn't turned in our favour, and I hadn't been left in that place, they would have used me, wouldn't they? If I could do this, then...............If they could have made me forget who and what I was, there is no telling what I could have done. Who I could have hurt..................."

"But they didn't, (Y/n). You're right, that probably was their plan, but they were stopped. You didn't hurt anyone, and they will never be able to hurt you again. To get to you again. I promise.............We promise.............." Steve told her as he took her hand. Bucky doing the same. The three staying there for a moment before a cough came from behind them. The trio turning to see Tony.

"Er, as much as I hate to interrupt this moment. Perhaps it would be better to get you to Bruce so that he can give you the once over, and then we can see what else you can do in a more controlled setting. Preferably without using my stuff for the show and tell." The billionaire said. (Y/n) suddenly breaking out into a laugh, as she got to her feet, pulling Steve and Bucky with her.


"She did what..............?" Clint asked in utter disbelief, as he and the others looked between the monitor that showed images of the three old soldiers and Bruce, and then Tony.

"She flipped my car without touching it and stopped a bullet mid-air. What's so hard to understand................?"

"And you want me to do what, now.................?"

"Well, she wants you to take a turn at shooting her......."

"And Cap and Barnes are ok with that..................?"

"To be honest, I don't think that she is giving them much option..........I left her trying to talk Bruce into letting the other guy out.............." Tony replied. The shock evident on everyone's faces at the idea of woman that they had all really just met. A woman that had been in the deep freeze for longer than either Rogers or Barnes. A woman that they had no idea what she was truly capable of, thinking that she might be able to take on the Hulk.

"And you think that she can stop Clint's arrows............?" Nat finally asked, as she broke the shocked silence.

"She thinks she can. And from what I saw, I have little reason to doubt her.............."

"Fine, I'll do it. But if I hit her and Rogers and Barnes come for me..........." Clint finally agreed, as he went to retrieve his bow and arrows.

"Yeah, we know. We got your back, Legolas................."

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