Winter guard - Part 11 - Bucky x Reader

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Now this chapter is a little shorter, but I will make up for it in the next part. I want to have the Winter Guard sent to Wakanda so that I can include some T'Challa, because as with all my stories our much-loved characters never die, and that includes our king. Hope you like.

"Well....................." Tony began, as he and the others looked at the scene before them.

"I wasn't expecting that..................." He continued. Coughing uncomfortably, as he turned his eyes to the still smoking pile of guns that lay around the Winter Guards feet.

"Hey..........if you think that she was a prototype from you, why is she so much better than you. I mean.........look at her................." Sam said from the back of the room. Bucky choosing to ignore the comment, as he continued to watch (Y/n) just stand with her back to them, by herself in the room; guns and spent shell cases lying all around her.

"They had her longer, Sam. They designed her to do different things. The Winter Soldier was..............he was an assassin. She..........she was designed to fight wars. To infiltrate. To go behind enemy lines and turn the battles in whatever direction that HYDRA wanted. I am sure that over the years they have updated her. That they have changed her. Maybe her mask, her arm was redesigned just in case she came into contact with the likes of Stark. Fighting fire with fire sort of thing." Steve said, doing his best to de-escalate the inevitable argument that would occur between Bucky and Sam once Bucky had made sure that (Y/n) was alright. The captain placing his hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"Wait...........she's saying something again............." Bruce commented. He and the others listening, as the Winter Guard began to speak softly. Her voice deep and menacing as the words came through her mask.

"She's speaking Russian again.............." Nat said, as she moved to stand next to Bucky.

" its German. That sounds like Korean.......... Vietnamese. And that's Arabic............." The Widow continued, as she listened to the major go effortlessly from one language to another.

"What's she saying this time..............?" The archer enquired, as he came to stand behind Natasha.

"I'm not...................I'm not sure. She isn't making a lot of sense. Things sound a little muddled. It's she is having conversations. Like she's giving a status report. She's even changing languages with every word." Nat explained, doing her best to work out what (Y/n) was actually saying.

"Oh great..........she's popped a fuse.............." Sam remarked. Holding his hands up in surrender, as Bucky spun on his heels and glared at him. It appearing as though the veins in his neck were about to burst.

"Bucky.........maybe you should go in. See if you can talk to her." Steve said, once again trying to stop the fight before it started. The captain shaking his head at a shrugging Sam, as he steered the still glowering Sargent out of the room.


"Don't listen to him.............Steve said, as the door closed behind the pair of them. The two old soldiers moving towards the door of the room in which (Y/n) was.

"I never do................." Bucky grumbled in reply, as he placed his hand against the palm pad for the door.

"If you need me..............."

"Yeah, I know................." Bucky nodded as the door clicked and slowly began to open. Steve taking a deep breath, as his friend stepped inside.

From the other room, the scene had been one thing, but here, in the room itself and with (Y/n)'s head still being covered in the helmet; it was a very different matter. Bucky was sure that the air was thicker than it should be, and it was nothing to do with the smoke that had come from the guns and spent cartridges. No, this was more, this was............this was all down to (Y/n). Countless emotions, anger that seemed to manifest in the heavy ether. It felt as though he had just walked into her territory. As if he had just encroached into the world of a tigress and was just waiting for her to turn and tear him limb from limb. The last things that he would see, her teeth and claws.

"(Y/n)..............." Bucky said quietly, as he moved a little closer to her. The major as still as a statue, apart from her shoulders that moved ever so slightly with each breath that she took.

"Teper' oni schastlivy, Zimniy Soldat?" The major asked, her voice still deep and low thanks to the mask that covered her face. Bucky standing his ground, as she turned, and he saw that she still had one gun left in her metal hand. Her finger sitting just to the side of the trigger.

"I..........yeah, I think that they are happy............." Bucky replied, as he moved a step forward.

"They have changed my form much over the years. As their technology advanced, so did I. With every new war, they would perfect me for that war. Turn me into something that could counter anything that the enemy might have. And this............this form, they were designing to fight you. To fight all of you. But............but I don't want to fight you.............." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly held out the gun for Bucky to take. The Winter Soldier taking it before gripping her metal hand in his flesh one.

"You don't have to fight if you don't want to. You don't have to do anything now unless you choose to do it, (Y/n). You aren't the Winter Guard anymore. You can just be you. I know somewhere, some people, good people that might be willing to help you like they did me. That will be able to help you remember who you really are, if that's what you want." Bucky told her. A smile pulling at his lips, as her helmet suddenly disappeared from her head. The major falling into his arms.

"I think that I'd like that...................."  

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