I'm fine - Part 4 - Loki x Thor x Reader

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"What are you doing here, brother?" Thor asked, as he stood between Loki and the door. Making it impossible for the God of Mischief to see anything that was going on in the room where (Y/n) lay motionless.

"I have come to see how the lady is.............."

"Why? Why do you care, Loki? You never do anything but complain about how beneath you Midgardian's are. That they are ridiculous and idiotic. How they are nothing but cattle. Lambs to be slaughtered. So, I doubt that the lady (Y/n) would hold any higher in your estimations than the others. I didn't even think that you had noticed her.............."

"I don't.......haven't.............I was just.............."

"Loki! What have you done? Do you know something about why the lady is doing what she is doing?" Thor enquired, as he interrupted his brother's protests. The God of Thunder stepping closer to the God of Mischief. Thor not liking the fact that Loki had turned his gaze to the floor. The dark god straightening himself, before looking back at his brother.

"I have done nothing. And why would I know what has caused her to try and get herself killed. What goes on in the minds of Midgardians, is no concern of mine. As you have so rightly said, they are beneath me. Their paltry live, but a mere speck of dirt. I merely came to see what all the fuss was about this time..........."

"I think that you should just go, Loki. You have no place here. The lady (Y/n) will need only her friends around her if she recovers..........."

"If she recovers..........? What do you mean.......if? She really is that bad?" Loki interjected. Gulping at the large lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. Holding back the sick feeling that had just begun to churn in his stomach.

"I thought you said that you didn't care...........but yes. She is that bad. Bruce is giving her some of Sam's blood. We are hoping that there may be an improvement in her after that. But we do not know. Now, why don't you just go back to your game of chess." Thor explained, before turning and making his way back into the room to join the others. Leaving Loki alone to contemplate what he had just heard. To contemplate his lies. And what could be the loss of the woman that he loved.


Loki sat staring out into space. Perhaps he was destined to always be alone. To always push people away that cared for him. To pay for all his lies, and everything that he had done. He had already lost his mother. The only other woman that had truly ever cared for him. And it appeared that the universe was conspiring to take (Y/n) from him too. Not even giving him the chance to apologise. To explain things. To tell her that whatever he had said, had been the biggest lie that he had ever told. That he loved her more than life itself and would give anything for her to allow him a second chance. To show that he would spend the rest of his days making it up to her.

Suddenly a knock came to his door. Loki sighing and brushing the tears from his eyes, before he got to his feet and made his way over to the ingress. His usual sneer taking over his features, as he slowly opened the door to tell his visitor to go away. His breath catching in his throat, as he saw Thor. The look on his brother's face making his heart break.

"(Y/n). Is she..............?"

"Bruce says that lady (Y/n) is finally stable. Yet she will be in the medical bay for some time to come. And once she has recovered, Steve and Tony have determined that she will not be allowed to leave the compound until she has worked through whatever is in her mind." Thor explained, as he pushed his way into his brother's rooms. The God of Thunder's eyes falling on a stuffed animal that strangely took pride of place on Loki's bed. The toy in complete contrast to the rest of the surroundings. The toy, something that Thor knew, had belonged to (Y/n).

"I was hoping........that despite the fact that you claim not to care. You might agree to have a word with the lady once she if feeling a little better. Everyone else has tried to speak to her. To find out what has caused such a change in her character. Yet all she will ever say, is that she is fine. Perhaps you might be different. We don't want to lose her, Loki. I have no desire to lose her. And I think.........I think that deep down, you don't want that either. That in fact, I believe that her lose would be worse for you than any of us. I don't know what has happened between the two of you, brother; but I think I can guess." Thor said, as he came to stand in front of Loki. The God of Thunder placing his hand on Loki's shoulder.

"I don't know what it is within you, that makes you deny yourself real love, brother. What makes you push away all those that truly care. But whatever it is, perhaps this time, you should think twice. The lady needs you, Loki. And I think that you need her too." Thor continued, as he patted his brother before turning to make his way back to the door.

"I think mother would have loved her too. She only ever wanted you to be happy, Loki. As do I. And I believe that lady (Y/n) is the one that can do that." The golden haired god continued, before opening the door and making his way back into the corridor. Once again leaving Loki to his thoughts. Thoughts that perhaps Thor wasn't as big an oaf as Loki had told him he was. That sometimes his brother was a lot smarter and observant than he had ever given him credit for. 

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