No fun - Part 10 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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"Hector, patch me into the team's comms. Quick!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she watched images of figures move quietly and slowly through the woods that surrounded them. The intruders using the sound of the fake fight to cover their advance. It more than obvious, that despite the fact that the Avengers would probably be more than capable of dealing with the coming fight. (Y/n) could now not leave.

"DAD!" Tony suddenly heard a voice exclaim. A broad smile coming to his lips as he recognised the sound of his daughter. His heart beating a little faster as he returned her call.

"(Y/n), sweetheart. I knew you'd come. See, Rogers, I told you she'd get here. Honey, we are being attacked..................."

"Dad. For once in your life will you just shut up and listen to me. The sounds from your fake little battle are concealing the fact that the compound is really under attack. I am detecting at least a hundred heat signatures in the woods surrounding the others, and they are coming thick and fast. They are heavily armed and don't look like they are stopping for anyone. So, may I suggest that you and Cap get suited up. Cos we are gonna need everyone. Oh, and someone piss Bruce off, because Hulk has some stomping to do." (Y/n) explained quickly, before the comms went silent. Tony and Steve looking at one another for a moment, before a loud explosion suddenly rang out. An explosion that shouldn't be there. The two heroes shaken from their thoughts, as they raced for the door. Closely followed by Bruce.

Suddenly the scene changed. The fakery stopped, as the rest of the team, and the agents, heard (Y/n)'s alert. The Avengers taking their real positions. All of them ready to fight a real enemy. (Y/n) scanning for Peter as another blast rang out. As real bullets began to fly. The young Stark wanting to make sure that she kept her spider pal in sight.

"Hey! Webslinger!" A voice called out over the new chaos. Peter turning his attention from the new battle to look for the disembodied voice. His eyes growing wide, as (Y/n) suddenly appeared in front of him. The mask on her suit moving away to reveal the face that he had missed so much.

"Want to have some fun?" (Y/n) continued. Peter's smile growing as broad as hers, as he nodded his head.

"Well come on then. Let's play." The young Stark added, before her mask moved back into place. Peter following quickly behind her, as (Y/n) flew away. Peter sure that despite the urgency and danger of the situation. He had never been happier.


The team. The S.H.I.E.L.D agents, couldn't believe what they were seeing. It was as if (Y/n) was all of them. That the Iron Knight was each of them combined in one body. In one shiny black metal suit and pair of glowing red eyes. (Y/n) seeming to know the moves of the others without ever actually seeing them in action. Without even having to think. As if she had been with them on all other missions.

"Does everyone else feel surplus to requirements, or is it just me?" Clint called over the comms, as another volley of projectiles shot out from (Y/n)'s armour.

"Speak for yaself, Legolas. I am essential." Sam replied. An audible groan coming from not only the archer, but also Bucky, as the Falcon flew around the Iron Knight. Picking off any stragglers that (Y/n) had just missed. Peter swooping down and stringing a web up between the trees, as more enemy agents loomed into sight. Hulk roaring as he crashed through the trees. (Y/n)'s spinning through the air, as she expertly avoided the bullets coming from Bucky and the agent's guns. As she avoided the blasts of her father's repulsor rays.

"Cap. Dad. I need you and the others to get behind me. I've been working on something while I was away, and I think that this is just the time to use it. But not one of you can be in the firing line. If it works, it will take out the rest of them with one blast. And it might take all my reserve power. So, if I fall from the sky, I would appreciate it if someone caught me." (Y/n)'s voice suddenly said. The Iron Knight rising way above the tops of the trees. Surveying the scene. Her imagery able to pick up the assailants, as they continued to move towards the team.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Daddy's got you." Tony replied, as he and the others all moved behind where (Y/n) hung high in the air. The billionaire along with the rest of the team, watching as the ether around the Iron Knight seemed to shimmer and vibrate.

"Okay Hector. Whatever this baby has left put all of it into the new weapon and let's just hope this works. If not, it's been nice knowing you." (Y/n) told the AI. The young Stark closing her eyes, as the suit around her began to whir. Her mind concentrating only on one thing, taking out whatever was left of the enemy. Her every thought focused on ending this before one of her family got hurt. The Avengers watching as a huge energy surge came from (Y/n)'s suit and moved through the trees. The chaotic scene quickly falling eerily silent. Tony blasting off and catching his daughter in mid fall. Safely bringing his child to the floor. The team crowding around, as it became obvious that whatever the blast was, it had worked.

"Boy, I am seriously gonna have to work on that. I think I'll have a headache for the rest of the week. Make sure to remind me of that. Okay, Hector? Next time I use a psionic inundation, I'll need aspirin." (Y/n) groaned, as her mask opened up. Her eyes looking up to see her family.

"Of course, miss. And it is a pleasure to still have you with up." Hector commented, as Peter moved to (Y/n) side and helped her sat up. The Iron Knight smiling slightly, as she looked between to two men. Her attention finally turning to her father.

"Not a bad catch for an old man. I'd have rescued you a little quicker of course. But still.............." The young Stark continued. Her words cut off, as Tony pulled her into his arms.

"No matter what you think, I'll always be there to catch you sweetheart. And its better late than never." Tony replied. The two just sitting there for a moment before the others joined in with the hug. (Y/n) helped to her feet and taken inside the compound. Steve leaving orders with the S.H.I.E.L.D agents to look for survivors, before he followed quickly behind. The captain, like the rest of the team, eager to know where (Y/n) had been for all this time. And if she and the Iron Knight were coming home. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن