Innocent bystander - Part 5 - Bruce x Reader

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Bruce watched as (Y/n) got out of the bed and made her way over to the window. The innocent bystander seeming lost in her own thoughts. He had persuaded her to stay in the medical bay. Persuaded her to let him run another slew of tests, to see what the latest changes had done to her. Yet how she would cope with those changes, was certainly another matter. It was one thing being just one person. One thing just being you. Goodness knows that could be hard enough in itself. But (Y/n) was no longer that. She was no longer just a single entity. Now she was legion. For now, she was many.

"So, what now, Bruce? What do I do now?" (Y/n) enquired absentmindedly, as she continued the stare out onto the city. A city that was slowly getting back to normal. That was back to going about its everyday business despite the chaos that still surrounded it. Not that (Y/n) would expect anything else. New Yorkers were fighters. They were resilient and stubborn, and she was no exception. But this, becoming a multitude of other people, other beings, was something that no one could ever be prepared to deal with. Even a streetwise cop with several years of service under her belt.

", now you become one of us. Okay, that sounds dumb because you are already, us. But you know what I mean. You become an Avenger. You stay here like we said. You can help me in the lab. Help Tony with developing his suits. You can train with the others. With Clint, Nat and Steve. Thor can show you how to control Mjolnir. How to use the lightning..............."

"But what if I turn out like him instead? What if instead of helping the world as a hero, the part of me that is Loki, that is a frost giant, takes over. What if I give into these feelings of jealousy, pettiness, anger and hatred, that I can feel course through my veins? What then, Bruce? What then? Would I become the worlds greatest villain? Would I demand that people kneel before me? Would the Avengers........would you, come to stop me? Of course, you would. So, would you want someone like that to be in this tower. To be around you? Someone that doesn't know if she can control the multitude of personas that claw at her mind." (Y/n) interrupted. Her eyes shifting from the city to the doctor behind her. (Y/n) doing her best to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Hey. That will never happen, (Y/n). Despite everything, you are still you. And you are a good person. You aren't Loki. You never will be. I know that you will never............."

"How do you know that, Bruce? I am as much him, as I am you. As I am myself. Can you promise me that I won't give in to his power? That I won't be lured, tempted to do what Loki did." (Y/n) interjected. The detective unable to stop the tears from falling, as Bruce pulled her into his arms. His fingers again combing through her hair, as he tried to calm her. As he tried to reassure her.

"Yes, (Y/n). I can promise. There is an inherent goodness about you. A goodness that has nothing to do with you, being us. You didn't have to be in the city that day. Yet you were. You didn't have to help people, yet you did. You didn't have to put your life on the line for others. To save as many as you could. But you did. And just because part of you is now Loki, that doesn't mean that that part will ever be able to defeat the goodness in your heart." Bruce explained. A heated glow creeping up onto his cheeks, as he felt (Y/n) wrap her arms around him. As he felt her hold him tight.

"You know something, Banner. You are very good for a girl's ego. And you could certainly teach the police department's therapists and councillors a thing or two. All I can say is that Misses Banner did on hell of a good job raising her son." (Y/n) sniffed, as he moved her head so that she could look into Bruce's beautiful, silky, melted chocolate brown eyes. His gaze making her feel safe. Making her feel, that as long as he was with her, then she would always be safe. That despite what he may think of himself, of the Hulk, if she didn't become like Loki, then it would be because of him.

Carefully, Bruce reached up his hand and carefully brushed the tears away from (Y/n)'s cheeks. The innocent bystander closing her eyes and nuzzling her face into his palm, as he placed his hand softly on her flesh. The doctor sure that he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Never seen anyone more vulnerable, yet strong than (Y/n) was. Never met anyone that he wanted to love more. The doctor slowly moving, so that he could place his lips against (Y/n)'s. So that he could finally do what he had wanted to do, since they had begun to talk.

"Ahem." A cough came. (Y/n) and Bruce jumping apart, as first Steve appeared in the room, then Tony. The pair closely followed by the others.

"We.......we were just wondering how the patient was?" Steve asked. The captain feeling slightly uncomfortable as he realised what he and the others had just interrupted.

"Well, if you're asking how I feel in myself. I would say that I feel fine. You want anything else, then you will have to talk to the good Doctor Banner here, Captain Rogers." (Y/n) explained, as she made her way back over to the bed and took a seat. The attention of the team turning to Bruce.

"Er........yes.......(Y/n) is quite correct. Physically she is quite well. I don't believe that there will be any more attacks or changes. It would appear that Loki's DNA was the last one to bond itself to (Y/n)'s own. So............"

"So, what does that mean now? What is (Y/n)? What can she do?" Tony interrupted. The billionaire asking the questions that everyone else wanted to ask. That (Y/n) herself wanted to ask.

"As before, (Y/n) is us. All of us. She has all our combined knowledge and intelligence. All our skills, our abilities and powers. That hasn't changed. The only difference is that Loki is now part of her. Though.........."

"Though what............?" Clint chimed in.


"Its okay, Bruce. Whatever it is, they need to know. I need to know." (Y/n) said, as she placed her hand on the uncomfortable looking doctor's arm.

"I can't tell you what (Y/n) will truly be able to do. I can't tell you what the combination of all of us, of Loki, will be able to achieve. As Aristotle said, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And (Y/n), in this case, just happens to be the sum. I think that we are all going to have to wait and see." Bruce explained. Turning to look at (Y/n), as she let out a sigh and clapped her hands. A small smile spreading across her lips.

"Well..........that is a hell of a thing, Doc. Can't say that that is something that I could ever imagine I would hear about myself. But given that this is my new reality. That I really am all of you. Why don't you guys put me through my paces. I am sick of being a patient. Sick of being a bystander. Now, now I want to help." 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن