No fun - Part 18 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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Tony sat in his darkened room. The bottle of Bourbon finished a long time ago. His befuddled and clouded mind going over events. Events not just of the day, but also of all of (Y/n)'s life. Or should that be the little that he had been bothered to be there for.

Her mother had passed away the day that she was born. Tony only having time to promise her that he would take care of and love their child for the rest of his days. And he had meant it, he truly had. Yet here he was, feeling sorry for himself again. Drunk again. Having failed again. Having failed (Y/n) and her mother again. Having broken every promise that he had made. The only female that had always been there for him. That had loved him no matter the stupid things that he had done. No matter how he had pushed her away, and forgotten about her, while he beavered away on some project or wasted his time on some woman whose name he would never remember. Yet now she had turned the tables on him. And now, now he was beginning to realise what (Y/n) had probably felt like for all her life. He couldn't blame his daughter for looking to Clint and Scott for a father figure. Couldn't blame her for turning to Steve and Bucky for support. For turning to Xavier and his team to give her what he and the others hadn't. Yet that didn't mean he liked it. The billionaire nearly falling off his chair as he reached for his cell phone. Tony doing his best to focus, as he tried to remember the number for the school. Choosing instead to call out to his AI, as the display screen on his phone continued to blur.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y! Call the bald mutant guy." The billionaire slurred. The AI remaining silent for a moment. Seemingly mussing over her creator's request.

"Do you mean, Professor Xavier, sir?"

"Yeah. That guy. The latest man to steal my kid from me..................."

"I would highly recommend against that, sir............."

"What? Why.................?"

"I think that you will find that it is 3am, sir. It is highly likely that the professor and everyone else at the school, will be asleep. May I suggest that you leave the call for another few hours..............." The AI replied. Tony huffing a little, as he closed one eye and tried to focus on his watch, just to make sure that F.R.I.D.A.Y was telling the truth. The billionaire huffing again, as he somehow managed to make out that the AI was right. Tony struggling to his feet and then staggering to the door, having decided that if he couldn't speak to the bald guy, then another drink was called for.


Peter sat quietly in the common room, nursing a mug of warm milk, that by now had gone cold. He had tried to sleep, he really had. But how could he after that kiss? How could he do anything without (Y/n) being there, back in the compound. Back in her lab, singing happily like she would. Back with him. Peter cursing at himself for not appreciating all the time that they had spent together. Not appreciating all the things that he wouldn't want to do with anyone but her. For all the missed opportunities to tell her that he was in love with her. Because that's what it was. It was love. There was no denying it now. The kiss that they had shared, no matter how brief, had sealed his fate; and he knew that he didn't want anyone else but her.

She had said that she wanted to come home. That she wanted to spend time with all of them again. Yet here he was, and there she still remained. Peter feeling that she might as well be on the moon. Not sure what to do, if anything, to get her to change her mind. He knew, just like everyone else did, that she was stubborn. But it was more than stubbornness that was keeping her away from the compound. More than just the fact that she was her father's daughter. This was to do with the years of hurt. Her probable feelings of abandonment by the father that she had once confessed that she loved so much. Of being pushed to one side, as her father had drunk, slept with women and worked on one project or another, instead of spending time with her. And then he had come along; his and her father's relationship, something tantamount to father and son, must have been the biggest slap in the face possible. Peter having to admit that he was surprised that all of this hadn't happened sooner. That (Y/n) hadn't broken free and showed Tony that she didn't need him, as much as he seemed to not need her in his life. Peter letting out a heavy sigh, as he placed the mug down on the coffee table in front of him. The young man hoping that Spiderman and the Iron Knight would get a chance to meet again soon. That before then, he would be able to think of something to say, that would make her want to come home. That he would stop being such a chicken and tell her that he needed her to come back, because life without her would never be the same.

Suddenly the lights in the room were flicked on. Peter scrunching up his eyes, as the brightness hit his retinas. The young man finally managing to open them, to find Tony staggering into the room. The billionaire not even seeming to notice that he was sat there, as he made his way over to the small bar and reached over it. A smile creeping onto his lips, as he found another bottle. Hugging it like a baby, as he made his way back out of the room. Peter just watching him as he left. It obvious, that her father, even if he hadn't said anything, was taking (Y/n)'s continued absence as hard as he was. Peter more sure than ever, that he would have to do something to make (Y/n) see that she was needed by not just himself, but also her father. 

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