Daughter of Hydra - Part 5 - Steve x Bucky x Reader

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"Nothing in here, either?" Steve asked, as he, Bucky and Sam made their way into Tony's room. All three had checked their rooms from listening devises. For cameras. But all had come up empty handed.

"Nope. Not a thing." Tony replied, as he dropped onto the corner of his bed. Sam, Natasha and Bruce also making their way into the room.

All of them had expected to find something; but much to their confusion, there was nothing. Nothing nefarious or otherwise. Just a room. A comfortable, well appointed room.

"What do you think she's up to?" Sam enquired, as he leant up against the door jamb. The eyes of the team momentarily looking at the Falcon before Steve began to speak.

"I don't know. Perhaps she is doing what Stark wants to do to her and is trying to lull us into a false sense of security. If she brought us here to learn more about us, I would have expected that every room would be bugged. That she would want to listen to and see everything that we did. But............maybe we should take our host up on his offer of his house being our house and go and explore a little. Perhaps we might stumble across something." The captain told the others. The rest of the team nodding in agreement, before leaving the room. Bucky following close behind his friend, as he and Steve left the billionaire to close the door to his room. Tony choosing to explore that floor of the mansion a little further.


"What do you really think..............?" Bucky asked, as he and Steve made their way back down the large staircase.

"I think..........I think that she would like to kill each and everyone of us. I think that she would have liked to have killed us as soon as she lay eyes on us. But...........it seems that she has more self-control than Schmidt. Apparently, she is more than happy to bide her time. Wanting to play cat to our mouse. I mean, we have no idea what this (Y/n) is capable of. What she can really do. If her DNA was combined with the same serum that Schmidt administered to himself, then we have to assume that she is at least as strong as her father. As strong as us. Other than that.............All I can hope is that Stark and Bruce will be able to hold off anything that she might have planned for us, if things change. That they can give us enough time to get our weapons from the plane." Steve replied, as he and Bucky made their way though the ornate entrance way, and back out into the afternoon sun. The two soldiers walking out into the well-manicured lawns and the elaborate gardens that lay beyond.


"Your back................?"

"Of course, I'm back, Otto. Do you really think that I would want to miss this dinner?" (Y/n) answered, as she made her way into the room. Her eyes falling on the array of weapons that had been set out on the table.

"I take it that the weapons were in the plane. How awfully predictable. I must say that I am a little disappointed in these Avengers. I had hoped for more. That my foe would prove to be even more than I had been led to believe. I am surprised that Johann allowed himself to be beaten, out strategized by the captain." (Y/n) mussed, as her fingertips ghosted over Steve's shield.

"A soldier's shield, and a traitor's guns. A falcon's wings, a widow's batons and archer's bow." The daughter of Hydra continued, as she carefully picked up the shield, and placed it on her arm, before turning to look at herself in the mirror.

"Do you think that this is the last thing that my father saw. A version of this shield. That this was the last image in his mind...............Put them all back where you found them. Put the plane back as it was. I don't want any of them thinking..................."

"But we have their weapons. Surly..........................."

"You really are an idiot, aren't you Otto? The Avengers are here as our guests for the weekend. Therefore, they will have no need for their weapons. And I do not wish them to know that we have looked for them either. That, and I don't care whether they have their weapons or not. Their real weapons are already here. In the rooms upstairs. I am sure that with just a touch, Mister Stark will be covered by one of his suits. That, and with one wrong word, Doctor Banner would be introducing us to the Hulk. And even though I have no fear of that big green monster, I have no desire to have this place redecorated by Banner's alter ego. It costs far too much to keep you in the life you believe you are accustomed to, already. If they are foolish enough to not fear what I am capable of. If they blindly believe that Iron Man and the Hulk can protect them from my wrath, then I want them to continue in that folly. Continue to underestimate me. For you seem to forget, Otto. I have no need for such pathetic trinkets. I, my abilities, are the culmination of years of work. I am the only weapon that Hydra needs. The weapon that will destroy the Avengers, whether they be man, super soldier, monster or God. I will bring Hydra to where it should be. To supremacy. So, have the men put back the weapons. I wish this to be a pleasant weekend. A weekend of getting to know one another." (Y/n) explained, as she placed the shield back on the table. Her fingers touching it one last time, before she made her way to the door.

"And don't you think that its about time you got ready for dinner, my dear? I am sure that our guests will be returning to their rooms about now. I cannot imagine that they didn't take the opportunity to explore. To see if they could come across something of interest. And I would hate to disappoint them twice in one day. Therefore, we should do our best to make a good impression." The Daughter of Hydra added, before leaving the room. Hoping that the night would be as useful, as she believed it could be.  

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