What happens in Vegas - Part 2 - Steve x Bruce x Tony x Reader

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"You took the words right out of my mouth, Buck." (Y/n) said, as she and the others looked around the foyer of the hotel. Both Steve and Bruce quickly making their way to her side. All of them waiting for Tony to return from wherever he had got to. The billionaire, the first to jump out of the limo, when the door was opened.

"Well, what way to the casinos...........?" Sam suddenly said, rubbing his hands together and smiling, as he spied a couple rather fetching young ladies, that smiled and waved at him.

"Listen to the high roller. You're in an all-fired hurry to lose what little money you don't have............." Bucky huffed at the Falcons comment. The old soldier wishing that he could get to his room already, and away from Sam. Bucky sure that Stark's cheerfulness had brushed off on Wilson, while they were in the car together.

"Well at least I know how to have a good time, Barnes. The last time that you enjoyed yourself was like eighty years ago. So, leave the fun to me, and you can go and find a museum and then have a nice hot cocoa in your room after catching the early bird special..................grandpa!"

"Good time........? Good time.........! You wouldn't know a good time even if it slapped you in the face. Which is something I might............."

"Okay, boys and girls..............." A happy voice thankfully interrupted. Clint groaning as Tony appeared with a still really annoying grin spread from ear to ear. The archer wondering how far out of town you would have to go, to bury a body. Also wondering who would help him, if the billionaire was to meet with an unfortunate accident. After all, two people digging was better than one.

"Here are your room keys. Go up and freshen up. We will meet down here at ten; and we can get this trip started." Tony continued, as he handed out the key cards. The billionaire ignoring the collective groan.

"There you go sweetheart. I got you a nice suite just down corridor from me. You know, just in case you get scared in the middle of the night and need someone to cuddle. Here, let me take your bags, and I will show you the way.............." The billionaire grinned, as he placed his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"I am sure that I can find my way. And I don't believe that I will be worrying you for that cuddle. Though, just in case, if I find a monster under my bed, I might give you a call." (Y/n) replied with a wink. The billionaire kissing her forehead and doing his best to not laugh out loud at the two men that still stood behind her. It obvious that neither Bruce nor Steve was overly keen on what he had said. Tony always taking great delight in getting close to the beautiful woman that the pair were so enamoured of.

When he had realised it, he didn't know how he hadn't seen it before. Hadn't known how he had not noticed how Bruce and Rogers would let their eyes follow (Y/n) when she left the room. How they would get that far away look, when just her name was mentioned. How Steve would always end up by her side when they were in the field, and well Hulk..........Hulk had made it more than clear that he and Bruce shared the same mindset when it came to the beauty. But now that he did know. Now he was aware that Bruce and Steve had lost their hearts; he was going to enjoy rubbing it in that he had the nerve to speak to (Y/n), when they didn't. The billionaire wondering which of the men would summon up the relevant amount of backbone, to tell (Y/n) how they felt, before the other. And what better place to help force their hands, than the marriage capital of the world. Fifty chapels in the shadow of the famous strip, alone. Tony doubting that the jet would be filled with the sound of wedding bells when they returned to New York; but he was still going to find someone that would take his bet on the man that he believed would be the first one to say something.

"You do that, sweetheart. Any time you like, just call me, and old Iron Man will be there............Now come on..........." Tony said, keeping hold of (Y/n)'s shoulders and taking her off in the direction of the elevators.

"One of you guys wouldn't mind bringing (Y/n)'s bags would you............?" The question causing Steve and Bruce to look at one another for a moment, before they scrambled to pick up the two small pieces of luggage. Bucky shaking his head, as they finally grabbed one each, before racing to catch up with Tony and (Y/n) as the doors of the elevator began to close.


"Well..................?" Tony said, as he looked at the three other men in the elevator with he and (Y/n). The doors opening as the mirrored box stopped at a floor.

"Well what.............?"

"Aren't you getting out...............?"

"What do you mean, aren't we getting out? I thought that we were all on the same floor..............." Steve retorted, as Tony placed his hand over the door to stop them from closing.

"Oh no, the hotel couldn't put us all on the same floor. You, Bruce and Barnes are on this floor. (Y/n) and I are on the top floor. And don't worry about the luggage, I am sure that we can handle it.............." The billionaire smiled, as he looked at Steve and Bruce. The two men looking at one another before looking at (Y/n).

"We could come up to your floor first, it's no trouble................" Bruce began. His stomach dropping a little as (Y/n) shook her head.

"Don't be silly. I can carry my own bags. You three go and freshen up, and we will see you back downstairs at ten." The female Avenger assured, before kissing Bruce on the cheek and taking her bag from his hand. Doing the same to Steve, as she retrieved her second piece of luggage. Bucky having to pull the reluctant pair from the elevator. The trio watching as the doors closed on a smug looking Tony.

"Yeah..........we'll see you boys downstairs at ten................" He agreed with (Y/n). The last thing the boys seeing, the mischievous glint in the billionaire's eyes.    

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