Welcome one and all.

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Well here we are, book two. I am so grateful that you all made my first book such a success. And I hope that we will all have as much fun with this book, as we did the last. As old readers have probably realised, I am a huge Marvel fan, and that has most definitely not changed.  So, as with my first offering,  I will be including all of my favourite male characters, as well as trying to include more GxG imagines. 

Again, most stories will be fluffy or smutty, with just a hint of the hopeless romantic, and the occasional one where I go for one of my trips into the down right weird. All imagines will continue to be the character and reader, so I hope that you like that.

The imagines and one shots will still focus primarily on the Avengers, the Guardians, X-Men, Doctor Strange, and Wade of course. But I am also going to try and include the Fantastic Four and Venom, as I have not done those guys yet.  Plus, I am going to throw in a couple more bad guys just for good measure. And I am also going the be continuing the cross overs which I so love to do so much. 

So, please be my guests, as I take you back down the Marvel Universe rabbit hole for a few more adventures. 

Quinn XX

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now