Innocent bystander - Part 9 - Bruce x Reader

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"Do you see what I mean?" Bruce asked, as he and (Y/n) looked at the equation that seemed to surround them in the air. It had been something that the doctor had been working on for a while, but there was something missing, something that stopped the whole thing from working; and as they were in the labs and (Y/n) had mentioned wanting him to teach her how to be him, he thought he would let her have a look at his dilemma. The innocent bystander looking up at the image that filled the space, using her hands to move it around.

"Well............up until recently, I would have said that I had absolutely no idea what you are talking about. But" (Y/n) replied, as she pulled up a particular part of what was before her. Bruce's mouth falling open as she moved some things around and it all began to make sense.

" made it work................."

"No, I didn't. You made it work............well the part of me that is you with just a little of Tony as well, did. Without that, I wouldn't even know where to start. I was a cop, not a scientist like you, remember? Maybe I might have been able to look at it with a fresh perspective, given that you have been working on it for so long, but other than that............though either way, I am happy that I have been able to help." (Y/n) interrupted. Smiling as Bruce put on his glasses and looked through everything. The doctor feeling a sense of relief that the thing that had been dogging him for some months, could now be used to help the team in any possible future endeavours.

"So................" (Y/n) continued, as she looked around at the high-tech gadgets that were placed all around the lab. At all the things she was sure that she would eventually learn about.

"What else do you get up to in here, other than trying to keep Tony out of trouble that is. Which is a full time job in itself, if you were ask me................"

"Oh........well............I..........." Bruce began as he turned to look at (Y/n), doing his best to think of something fun that he did. Something that could compete with tinkering with Tony's suits or hot-rod or leaning how to use Steve's shield and jump from the back of planes without the need for a parachute; or even being able to fire off multiple exploding arrows like Clint could. But...........but he was coming up short.

"I........I just.............."

"You don't need to do anything are the calm in the storm.............Believe it or not, Bruce, despite what you might think about the big guy and the anger that you have to control, compared to all the other personas that are banging around inside my head, and the big green one are the easiest ones to deal with. The others, Thor, Tony, Loki, are so much more chaotic. Their personalities are so big, everything about them feels a little over the top. And even Steve, Clint and Natasha.............they take some dealing with. But you, this feels like a sanctuary. There is a calmness here. An easiness, that I really need. You see.......I have found that I can sort of hear them, if that makes any sense. As if they are sitting on my shoulder and shouting into my ear. Yet with you, in this quiet place, they seem to vanish." (Y/n) interrupted as she took a seat on one of the tall stools at a table, getting a sense that the doctor was struggling to find an answer to her question that he thought would be suitable.

"I'm sorry....................." Bruce suddenly remarked. His eyes cast down to the floor.

"What are you sorry for Bruce? You have nothing to apologise for. All you have done is help.................."

"I..........I am sorry that I..........that Hulk couldn't stop all this from happening to you...................."

"None of that is your fault! You.........Hulk.........the others had enough to take care of. And I didn't have to be in the city that day, I chose to be. I chose to do what little I could while you and the others fought the therapist's dream and his alien buddies. What happened to me, was going to happen to someone that day. Some poor sucker was going to get blasted, and even though I wasn't too happy about it before, I have to admit that now.............well, now I don't mind that it was me. Because.............because if it hadn't, I...........I wouldn't have got the chance to meet you. And that fact alone is the thing stopping me from throttling Loki." (Y/n) confessed. A slight blush heating her cheeks as the doctor suddenly looked up. His glasses nearly dropping off his nose.

"'re glad you met me..............?"

"How could I not be............." The innocent bystander remarked before getting down from the stool and making her way to where Bruce stood. Her hand reaching up to settle itself on his slightly stubbly cheek.

"You, Bruce Banner, are a darling of a man. You are kind, sweet and care deeply for all those you know. And now that I have met you, I couldn't imagine, and have no desire to go back to a time before I met you. There are lots of good men in this world, but Doctor Banner are something else. could do one thing for me..........."

"I................anything..............whatever you want............Whatever you need.........." Bruce somehow managed to reply, despite feeling lost for words at what (Y/n) had just said.

"You could kiss me before someone else gets the notion to interrupt us. Because if you don't..........then I am afraid that I am just going to have to kiss you........" The ex-cop explained. Her heart beating a little quicker, as she moved a little closer to the doctor.

"Y-y-yeah..........I think I could do that............." Bruce agreed, a smile gracing his lips as they met (Y/n)'s in the kiss that they had both been waiting for. 

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