Queen of Gotham - Part 2 - Marvel/DC crossover x Reader

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I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year. And I hope that 2022 is better for all of us than the last two years. Stay safe.

Bruce made his way into the room. He had assured the rest of the team and Strange that it may be better that he alone spoke to their mystery visitor. That the Hulk was capable of looking after himself against most things. And all of them rushing in on mass might just scare the woman and cause all manner of issues. The others reluctantly agreeing but stating that they would be watching. Bruce nodding in agreement before leaving to try and find out more about the beautiful woman sat in the bed.

"Hi." Bruce said softly, as he slowly made his way in. The woman gripping at the sheets and pulling them firmly up under her chin as she looked at him. Her knuckles turning white.

"H-h-h-hi. Where.........where am I? Where's Jonny?" She enquired. It obvious from the look in her emerald eyes, that the woman was as confused with the situation, as Bruce and the others were.

"Jonny? Jonny who............?"

"My......my big brother, Jonny Frost. Am in a hospital?" The woman explained. Smiling hesitantly at Bruce, as he made his way over to a chair that sat near the bed.

"I'm sorry. I don't know your brother, and I'm afraid that he isn't here. You're in the medical ward of the Avenger compound. You appeared from thin air and landed on the floor of our common room. You've been unconscious for some time. Do you remember any of that? Are you a mutant? We have been able to detect that you have certain powers. Do know Professor Xavier?" Bruce replied. The doctor shaking his head at himself, for bombarding the poor woman with so many questions. With so much information, when it was obvious that she had no idea what he was talking about.

"My name is Bruce. Bruce Banner. What's yours?" Bruce continued. Deciding to try a different tack.

"(Y/n). (Y/n) Frost. And I'm sorry, I have no idea how I got here, or where this is. I have never heard of the Avengers compound. Nor this.......Professor Xavier. And, I'm not a mutant. Whatever that is. I am a metahuman." (Y/n) explained, as she finally lowered the sheet from under her chin.

"It's very nice to meet you, (Y/n). So, a metahuman, huh. What's one of those?"

"Well........I have powers, just like you said. I was born with them. I don't know how or why, I just was. Jonny looks after me. Keeps me safe. He always said that people might want to hurt me. To use me, because of my abilities." (Y/n) replied. Bruce smiling, as she shuffled forward on the bed a little.

"And what are your abilities? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well.......... I can move between time and space. I can open holes.......portals into other dimensions. And I have the ability to move through solid objects, unseen and unheard. I've been able to do it since I was small. I once scared Jonny to death when I suddenly disappeared into the floor one day." (Y/n) chuckled. Bruce looking over at the two way mirror. Sure, that Strange's ears would have picked up at the sound of her abilities. That the doctor would be more intrigued than ever to find out what was going on. Itching to speak with her. Yet given the doctors bedside manner, or lack of it as the case may be. Bruce decided that it would be better if he continued to talk to (Y/n).

"Maybe that's how I got here. I must have opened a portal for some reason. But.......but I can't remember why. Jonny normally tells me that I have to be careful. That I shouldn't do that unless I am in danger. If he can't get to me." (Y/n) continued. Her explanations not seeming to clear much up, apart from the fact that Bruce and the others now knew how she had appeared from thin air.

"What's the last thing you can remember?" Bruce pushed gently. Hoping that the right question might just give them the answers that they needed.

"Um......I was at home in Gotham. Waiting for Jonny..........."

"Gotham? What's Gotham.............?"

"Gotham. The city. This city, r-r-right? Big, dark, damp. Full of crime. Gotham?"

"I......I've never heard of a city called Gotham, (Y/n). We are in New York. Upstate New York........"

"New York? No.... no. This is Gotham. It has to be. You have something to do with that Batman guy, right. With the GCPD. Maybe Penguin? The Riddler? Bain........?" (Y/n) interrupted. Her grip once again tightening on the sheet, as Bruce looked over at the two way mirror, seeking some assistance. Some advice. Some, well, just some idea about what to say or do next. What to think about what he was being told.

"No, (Y/n). I'm afraid that this isn't Gotham. And I have no idea who Batman is. I have nothing to do with this GCPD. And I've never heard of Penguin, Riddler, or Bain." Bruce told the shocked (Y/n). The doctor not knowing as much about portals as Strange did. But realising that whatever had happened to her, it was no mere portal that had brought (Y/n) to the compound.

"Bruce." A voice called out. Bruce and (Y/n) both jumping at the sudden sound.

"Strange wants to talk to us. And Charles is here." The voice continued. Bruce breathing a sigh of relief as he finally recognised Steve's Cap tone. Bruce hoping that the Master of magical art might be able to shed some light on the situation. And that the professor might have more luck helping (Y/n), than he had.

"Who.......who was that..........?"

"That was just Cap........Steve. You don't need to worry about him. He's a good guy. Just like the rest of my team. Now, I'm just going to talk to this guy, Strange. He might be able to help figure out what happened to bring you here. And I'll be back. But, I'm going to have someone else come and speak with you. He's like you. He's a mut.........metahuman. He can look into your mind. Maybe help you remember other things. He's a good guy as well. So don't be afraid." Bruce explained. Giving (Y/n) a reassuring pat in the hand, before he made his way to the door.

"Oh. Just one thing. When you woke up you shouted out a word. A name? Joker. Do you know what that could be?" Bruce asked, as he opened the door.

"Joker? No. I have no idea..........." 

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