No fun - Part 20 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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Tony and Peter sat in the back of the car, while Happy drove them both to the school. The head of Stark security sure that he had never heard his boss so quiet. Not a word having been said during the entire trip. The eyes of the two men in the back, focused on the world that moved quickly past their windows.

Not that they were taking in anything that was happening around them. Both Peter and Tony too busy trying to work out what they were going to say to (Y/n) when they arrived at the school. How they were properly going to explain their feelings for her. To make their apologies and tell her how much they loved her. Tony in particular sure that whatever he came up with, it would never be enough.

He had done what the others had wanted him to do. He had showered and dressed. Telling Steve that it was ridiculous to go and see his own daughter dressed in a full three-piece suit, when the captain had pushed it into his hands. The billionaire reminding him that he was seeing (Y/n) not going to a congressional hearing or to court. Choosing instead a pair of his favourite jeans, his AC/DC shirt and a comfortable jacket. Clint and Nat pouring copious amounts of extra strong coffee down his throat, before pushing him into the car with Peter. Tony sure that he had basically been give orders not to return to his own compound until he had fixed things with (Y/n). The billionaire finding himself wondering if Xavier might have an extra room, just in case.

Peter couldn't help but sigh. The professor had told Captain Rogers that he believed that he needed to come and see (Y/n) too. That it was just as important for Peter to tell her how he felt as it was her father. But how could he put into words how he felt for (Y/n). How could he tell her all the things that he had been thinking since she left. All the things that he had been missing about her. All the things that he hadn't told her. Peter just hoping that three little words would suffice. That three little words would tell her everything that he wanted to say and felt.

"It'll be okay, kid.' Tony suddenly said. His eyes never moving from the world beyond his window.

"Let's face it, you don't have anything to apologise to her for. I have years of mistakes, that I think will probably take the rest of my life to atone for. Things that I'm sure she might never forgive.............."

"I know (Y/n) loves you. Mister Stark. She's told me as much on more than one occasion. She's told all of us. Its just..........just..............."

"Yeah, I know. It's just that I'm an awful father. I should be more like Barton or Lang. Both gold medal fathers of the year................"

"No! Well, I mean, I don't think (Y/n) wants that. I know she looks to Mister Barton and Mister Lang. Even Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes. But I don't think she wants you to be them. That she wants you to be anything but you. When all is said and done, you're her dad................" Peter interrupted, giving Tony a small smile, as the billionaire turned to look at him.

Since (Y/n) had gone, he had had more than enough time to think. To go over and over the things that he did wrong, and the likes of Lang and Barton did right. To go over why his daughter would want to spend more time with Rogers and Barnes. The billionaire wondering that if he were to become a little more like the other four men, then she might want to be around him. But now he realised that Peter was right. (Y/n) may care for the others, but when it came down to it, the only thing that she really wanted, was him. Warts and all, all she wanted him to be her father. Tony giving Peter a smile of his own, as the car began to move up the driveway of the school.


(Y/n) sat with the children. All of them clamouring to tell her what they had been doing since they had seen her last. All asking about the Iron Knight and her suits. Whether she had included any of their abilities in them. Asking if they could see them when they arrived. The young Stark smiling and laughing as she listened. As she once again enjoyed being at a place that she saw as her second home. The kids helping to take her mind off what was to come.

She knew that soon her father and Peter would be arriving. That the professor would appear at the door to the room, probably with Logan by his side, to escort her to Charles' office. The older man giving her one of his reassuring looks, before leaving the three.

It wasn't that she didn't want to see them. It was more that she didn't know what to say. After what she had done to Peter all that time ago, would he listen to her if she told him that she cared? That she, well.............she thought that she loved him. No, strike that. After that kiss, she knew that she loved him. And then there was her father. What was she to say to him. What would he say to her. Was there any way to fix a relationship that had been broken long ago..................

"(Y/n)." A soft voice suddenly came. The young Stark and the children all looking over to see the professor in the doorway with Logan standing by his side. (Y/n) slowly getting to her feet and making her way over to the two men. The smile on Charles' face telling her, that she was just about to find out. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz