Twin? - Part 5 - Loki x Thor x Reader

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(Y/n) carefully pulled back the covers on the bed and slipped out from under them, but not before placing a soft kiss to the sleeping Thor's head. Of all the things that her magic allowed her to see. Of all the things that her magic allowed her to know, the fact that she would love the God of Thunder. The fact that she would know what it was like to feel his body intwined with hers, as they became one in an exquisite meeting of worlds. The sky above splitting, as lightening had lit up the dark blanket of night. And low deep rumbles of thunder, that mimicked the exquisite sounds that had come from the great god. Sounds that made her tremble with excitement, had been kept from her. And she was glad that it had.

She of course, knew of the god. That he was her brother's brother. That he and her twin had been brought up together. Yet in her visions, his image had always been slightly hazy. The Jotun queen never able to bring his face into sharp focus, in her mind. So, his true beauty had been kept from her until they had met that day at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. And when she had finally seen him, she knew that her heart was lost. That she had found the one that she was to love. And that together, they would do all they could to bring Loki back to them. That she would finally have the missing pieces of her life in place.

"I will be back soon, my glorious god. And when I do return, perhaps you and I can make this world shake, once again." (Y/n) cooed softly, as she pulled a robe around her form, and made for the door. The Alfheim princess feeling herself called to a very different part of the tower. To a very different man to the one that lay blissfully slumbering.


"(Y/n)?" Loki called out quietly, as he thought he saw a movement from the glooming long shadows. The brightness of his glass prison making it almost impossible for him to see anything, that lay beyond its transparent walls.

"Loki. I'm here." A beautiful voice replied. The God of Mischief feeling his heart beat a little quicker, as from out of the blackness appeared a figure. His sisters skin slowly turning to the bluest of hues, as she moved closer to his cell. The God finding that his own flesh mimicking his twins, as she now stood before his jail.

"You heard me?" You heard me thinking about you?" Loki enquired, as he looked down at her. Wishing that the glass, as well as his own actions, weren't keeping them apart.

"Of course. How could I not? I have always been able to hear you, Loki. Whenever you felt alone in the darkest hours of the night, your thoughts would call to me. Whenever you were sad, I would cry your tears. Whenever you were injured, I would feel your pain. It hurt me that I could not be with you. That you could not hear me in return. That you did not know of my existence, or that a world away there was someone that loved you. That there was someone that knew you better than you knew yourself. But it was when you did what you did here, that I knew I had to find you. That you had become lost and needed me more than you have ever needed me. I could feel your ire, brother. Your hatred. Your jealousy. I could sense the loathing that grew in you for Odin. For Thor. For this world and its inhabitants. The pain that you inflicted on others was felt by yourself without you realising or caring. Was exacted on me, without you knowing." (Y/n) explained, as she moved as close as possible to the cell. Her red eyes glowing brightly, as she stared deep into the orbs of her twin.

Loki had to confess, he wasn't used to feeling guilty about things, especially not now. But as (Y/n) spoke of all the feelings that she had sensed over their many long years apart. Of the sadness and the pain that he had caused her during his time on Midgard. He had to admit, that guilt was beginning to gnaw away at him. As if some great ravenous worm, was eating away at his rotten core. And he wanted to make it stop. To have (Y/n) help him stop it.

As he listened to her words, he hadn't been able to stop his mind from drifting back to his childhood. To all the moments when he had felt alone. Felt unhappy. The God of Mischief realising, that at these dark moments, there had always been something in the back of his mind. A tiny voice that seemed to whisper that he wasn't alone. That he was loved more than he knew. That no matter what he may think, or how Odin may make him feel, he was the most important thing in someone's life. And that no matter how dark things may appear, he had to keep going. Keep fighting. Loki now knowing that that voice had been that of his beautiful twin. That without either of them really knowing it, she had been there with him. Without even knowing that she existed, her voice, along with Frigga, had been the one thing that he could look to for love and support. Yet he knew that he had failed her. That because of his anger, his hurt. Because of his jealousy, he had stopped listening to that little voice. He had stopped hearing her. Had stopped believing that he was loved, needed and wanted. So, now, somehow, despite who and what he had become, Loki knew that if nothing else, he had to make up for everything, to (Y/n).

"I..........I'm sorry............" Loki said softly, as he made his way over to his small bed and took a seat. The God of Mischief not sure if there was anything else that he could say. The words, though sincere, felt hollow as they left his lips. His heart sinking, as a sudden feeling of emptiness overtook him.

"I know, brother.............." (Y/n) began. Loki's eyes shooting up, as his twins voice appeared to sound closer than before. His breath catching in his throat, as he saw that (Y/n) was now with him in his cell. His red orbs fluttering closed, as she reached out and brushed some of his hair back behind his ear.

" did you.........?" The God of Mischief tried to enquire. Not sure how his sister had managed to get into his cell. Not sure how she had been able to bypass all the security, when he couldn't. But as he reached up his and placed his hands over that of his twins. The coolness of her touch chasing away all bad thoughts, and feelings, he didn't care. All that mattered was that she was there with him. And nothing and no one would now stop them from being together.

"I still have one of two tricks up my sleeve that I have not even told Thor about. But an explanation will wait for another time. For now, we should enjoy this time together. For now, my sweet brother, I want you to tell me all. To fill in the blanks of your life that I was not privy to. And I in turn, will answer all your questions." (Y/n) told him, as she took a seat next to him on the bed. Loki finding himself moving so that he could lay his head on her lap. A soft smile creeping across his lips, as her fingers gently combed through his hair. Loki telling his twin everything that he could think of. Not wanting to lose out on any more time. 

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