No fun - Part 19 - Tony x Reader

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Tony stirred, as he heard a very, very annoyed cough. The billionaire groaning and grabbing for the nearest pillow to put over his head, as the world beyond his tightly closed eye lids was flooded with light. Another, even more irritated cough, finally making him remove the pillow and slowly open one eye. One more groan passing his lips as he saw the angry faces of the others, looking down on him as they surrounded his bed.

He couldn't remember much of what had happened after talking to Rogers and then making his way to drown his sorrows with a rather expensive bottle of booze. But given the fact that he was still fully dressed, he couldn't remember going to bed, and the looks on the faces of the rest of the team, he knew that it couldn't be good.

In the back of his head, he seemed to remember asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to call Xavier. Yet, he was sure that he hadn't spoken to the older man. Sure, that if he had, there would be more than just the others of his own team, in his room. But given the way he felt, anything could have happened.

"Okay.........what did I do..............?" Tony finally managed to ask, before placing the pillow over his head again. Only to have it pulled away. The billionaire somehow managing to push himself up onto his elbows, despite the fact that his head felt as though it was about to explode.

"Surprisingly..........nothing. This time. We are just here to stop it before it gets to that point." Steve replied. It obvious from his tone, that the captain was far from happy.

"You need to get over this. Over the fact that (Y/n) hasn't come home, and deal with it. Get over the fact that you're a shitty father and do something about it." Clint took his chance to say. He, like everyone else sick of the fact that whenever something bad happened, the billionaire did his best to crawl into the nearest bottle of overpriced booze.

"Oh great. Yeah, let's hear from the father of the year. Does Lang want to put his two pennies' worth in too? Let's have him tell me I suck as well. Hell, even Rogers here thinks that he could have raised my daughter better................."

"He couldn't have done much worse." Bucky commented quietly from the back of the room. All eyes turning to look at the Winter Soldier before turning back to Tony, who had just managed to swing his legs over the side of the bed.

"Excuse me, if I don't take advise on parenthood from a man that murdered my mother and, if you will excuse me, I have things to do." Tony responded harshly, before he slowly got up and smoothed down his crumpled t-shirt.

"Yes, you're right. You do have things to do. You are going to shower, sober up and then go with Peter to Professor Xavier's school. Charles called this morning, (Y/n) has moved into the school. He thinks that you both need to go and speak with her." Nat interjected, as she took hold of Tony's arm and pushed him towards the bathroom. It obvious that the Widow, nor anyone else was going to give him another option.


"Well, what do you think?" Hank enquired, as he, Logan, Charles and the others looked around the large room. The young Stark surveying all the equipment that she had managed to bring with her. The broad smile on her face. A smile that hadn't been there for so long, telling the mutants more than she ever could with words.

It was true that (Y/n) wasn't one of them, but she might as well be. All the kids loved her. All of the grown ups loved her, and she loved them. Each of them sure that she spent more time at the school than she did at her father's compound. Learning all she could from each resident of the institution and trying her best to incorporate their mutations into her work.

"Its great, doc. As long as you don't mind me moving in on some of your lab. Though, I will feel even better once the rest of my suits get here. Some of them have some very special little twists that I really want to show you guys. Especially Logan and Scott. I think that I have finally perfected the closest thing I am going to get to the optic blast. That, and you have to see my claws, to believe them." (Y/n) chuckled, as she moved to stand in between Hank and Logan. Sure, that there weren't many places safer in the world than that.

"(Y/n)..............." Charles began before any of the others could say anything in reply. The young Stark doing her best to smile at the older man, despite the fact that she knew that tone.

"I think that we should private." The professor added. The other mutants giving her reassuring smiles, before leaving the room.

"Did I do something wrong, professor? Do you want me to leave............?" (Y/n) asked nervously, as she made her way over to Charles. The older man taking her hand and patting it softly.

"No, no, not at all. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you wish, (Y/n). Its just that I wanted to tell you that your father and young Mister Parker are on their way. I called the compound earlier and spoke to Captain Rogers, and he agrees with me that you need to sit down and talk to both of them. I know what has happened between you and your father, but he is your father. And I also know how you feel for Mister Parker. So, perhaps, now that you are here.............." Charles explained. His grip tightening a little on her hand as he saw her thoughts. It obvious that she was not happy with what he had done. Not happy that she knew that he was seeing into her mind right at that very moment. But also knowing that he was probably right.

"Fine. I'll talk to them. I'm not promising it will change anything, but I will do it." (Y/n) agreed. Giving Charles a small smile.

"That is all I ask, my dear.........................." 

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