Assassin - Part 5 - Scott x Reader

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Steve and Bucky hadn't been able to do anything but watch, as (Y/n) and Scott sparred. It was obvious, even to a blind man, that Lang was nowhere near a match for (Y/n). And it was also obvious that she had been going easy on the ex-felon. Steve shaking his head, as his old friend grumbled about the fact that (Y/n) never went easy on him. That in fact she seemed to double her efforts when they were sparring. Steve responding by saying that Bucky would only be annoyed with her if she did go easy on him, and unlike Lang, he wasn't a DILF, whatever that was. The captain turning bright red, as Bucky told him what the agent had been telling him while he had her pinned down, and what he believed the F in DILF stood for.

But now, the captain and sargent couldn't help but laugh, as they watch Scott be knocked flat onto his face, before (Y/n) jumped on his back and twisted his arms and legs up into something that very closely resembled a pretzel. Bucky more than happy that the agent had never done that to him.

"I give! I surrender!" Scott called out. Not sure how (Y/n) had actually got him into this position, never mind how she had done it without breaking multiple bones and tearing many muscles. A deep, relieved sigh escaping from him, as the beautiful agent relented and unknotted his limbs. Scott managing to turn over. His eyes staring up at her as she stood over him. His heart beating violently in his chest, but not because he was completely exhausted and had just had his ass handed to him, it was more because she was smiling at him. Because she was just looking.........well, perfect. Scott sure that if Valhalla ever needed another one, (Y/n) would make an amazing Valkyrie. The electrical engineer sure that if he were ever to die on a battlefield and she came to take him to the hall of the slain, he would happily go.

"Oh, Scott. I do love it when a man surrenders to me............" (Y/n) chuckled. The chuckle turning into a series of amused snorts, as the man on the floor turned a bright shade of red. Scott just happy that she couldn't read his mind, as currently the images of her dressed up as some kind of dominatrix filled his thoughts. The one-time thief having to admit that he had nothing against being punished by (Y/n) if she ever felt like it.

"Come on. Let me help you up." The assassin continued, as she offered him her hand. Scott doing his best not to groan from the pain in his muscles, as she pulled him from the floor. Wishing that he could be more like the captain or Barnes and not feel how old he was getting.

"I hope I didn't hurt you, Scott............"

" I wish that we could have carried on a little longer." Scott replied, as he puffed put his chest and did his best to make his muscles look as big as the super soldiers or Thor.

"Really.............? Well, I have never been one to say no to a little extra practice. So, if you fancy another couple of rounds, I'm willing if you are." The agent retorted, crossing her arms across her chest and raising an eyebrow. Doing her best not to burst out laughing again, as she saw a look of horror spread across Scott's face.

"No, no.............well, I mean maybe not today. I'm sure that you other things that you want to do....................."

"No, you're right. We don't want to much if a good thing, do we. Though you know, if we carried on, you might just beat me. But maybe next time............." (Y/n) agreed, before turning and reaching for her towel.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I think I need a shower. Tony wanted me to look at something in the labs, so I better be going." (Y/n) explained. Giving Scott one last smile before she headed for the door.

Stark! Of course, Stark wanted to see her in the "labs". Scott hating to think what he would like to show (Y/n). He had always thought that Stark liked (Y/n). That he more than liked her. Scott, as well as everyone else, aware of the billionaire's charms as far as women were concerned. But he wasn't going to let Stark and his money and sweet talk (Y/n).

"Well............?" A voice called out, shaking Scott from his thought. The man that had been fired from Baskin-Robbins, turning to see both the sargent and captain looking at him in disbelief.

"Go after her.................." Bucky continued. Both he and Steve gesturing for the door. Scott finally nodding in agreement, before quickly following after the agent.


"(Y/N)!" A voice called out. The assassin smiling as she turned to see Scott limp slightly towards her. (Y/n) wishing that she had gone even easier on him than she had done.

"Yes, Scott........................?"

"I er....................I was wondering...................." Scott began. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously, as he came to stand in front of her.


"I was wondering if you might like to go for a drink with me later. Or maybe a coffee. Or........or, we could just watch a movie if you don't want to go out................."

(Y/n) couldn't help but feel her stomach begin to flutter. It feeling as though a thousand butterflies had just taken flight inside of her. The agent for a moment wondering if she was hearing things. Though she was glad that Scott had finally said something to her. Glad that the feelings that she had for him, weren't just a one-sided thing like she had thought.

"I think a drink sounds wonderful. I like the idea of the movie too, but I have a feeling that if we stayed her, Tony would find some way of joining us. Either that, or he would have F.R.I.D.A.Y reporting on us. Pick me up from my room at seven? I know of this nice little place not too far from here, if you like. Its just quiet enough, and they make the best margarita's ever." (Y/n) replied. Her smile getting even bigger as Scott nodded in agreement.

"Wonderful. See you then..........." (Y/n) added, giving him a kiss on the cheek, before turning to head into the showers.

"Oh, and buggy................."


"You don't have to worry; I won't let Tony show me anything in the labs that he shouldn't." The agent chuckled before the door closed behind her. Scott staring wide eyed at the ingress, wondering if (Y/n) could read his mind after all.  

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