Prank - Part 2 - Loki x Clint x Reader

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"She did what................?" Tony asked in disbelief, as he and the others listened to Steve and Nat's story. The billionaire along with the rest of the team not quite able to believe what they had just heard. Wondering if the Captain and the Widow were mistaken.

Just like the pair, the rest of them knew that (Y/n) seemed to have become Clint's favourite target for his pranks. And that these pranks had got a little worse recently. But they also knew that there was something between the duo. The sexual tension between them, often feeling as though you could reach out and grab it. That it was tangible. And that was why they were all wondering if Steve and Nat had got it wrong. If in fact that they were playing their own trick.

(Y/n) and Clint were as thick as thieves, they all knew it. When in the compound, they could usually always be found together. They would sit next to one another in the common room. At any party that Tony felt like throwing that week, they would usually spend the night dancing together. All their friends sure that the only times that they were apart, was when they were asleep, though some wondered about that too. So, to hear this story, seemed a little strange, and Tony needed a little something more to convince him.

"She made a deal with Loki..............."

"With Loki...........? The Loki..........? Reindeer games, Loki.............? The snooty, magical pain in all our asses, Loki.................?"

"Yes Tony.........that Loki. Like we said, (Y/n) was showing us Clint's latest little attempt at something funny, and then Loki just appeared and offered her his help in getting her own back on him. And.............and well, she accepted................."

"But she knows how Clint feels about Loki. Why would she.................?

"That's exactly why................" Bucky interrupted Bruce's interruption. Steve nodding in agreement, as he looked at his old friend, who had been quiet until this point. The old soldier finding it hard to believe that the others couldn't see that if (Y/n) wanted to get her own back on the archer, then Loki would be his first choice too.

"You guys never heard the enemy of my enemy is my friend..............?" Bucky continued, as all eyes turned to look at him.

"Yeah............but we didn't know you had............." Sam scoffed. The Falcon just giving a smug smile, as the soldier glared at him.

"Bucky is right. If (Y/n) does really want to get Clint back, then there is no one better then Loki................"

"Ok........that's great. Barnes got something right for once. But what do we do with this information?" Sam interjected. Interrupting Steve this time. All eyes turning to watch Tony slowly get to his feet.

"What we do with this information, is duck and cover. Better still, we all leave town until this is all over cos I have a feeling that this is gonna get messy........"

"What's gonna get messy..............?" A voice came. The team looking over to where Clint leant against the door jamb. His arms firmly crossed over his chest. The archer giving everyone a questioning look.

"Erm................yeah.........I............I think I hear one of my suits calling............" The billionaire replied before quickly making his way past Clint. The others coming up with equally lame reasons to leave the room without answering the archer's question. Only Nat stopping and placing a hand on his shoulder before following after the rest of the team. No one seeing the archer's smile as he looked into the now empty room. Shaking his head, before he pushed himself off the wall and made his way into the compound.


"Remember............I told you no death and mayhem. I want to get my own back on Clint not maim or hurt him. Well...........not yet anyway. The old Legolas wannabe might be being an ass, but that doesn't mean that I have to be. Like you said I just want to give him a taste of his own medicine." (Y/n) told a quite cheery looking Loki. It obvious that the God of Mischief was really rather looking forward to this.

"Of course, my dear (Y/n). I wouldn't dream of doing anything to harm Mister Barton.............again." Loki replied. The god smiling at her, as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, and no mind control either. I know you...............I just want pranks. The same crap that you and Barton pull on one another. The same stuff you pull on me.............okay................."

"You are taking all the fun out of this, (Y/n). But if you insist............." Loki replied. Some of the cheer leaving his fine features. Though still having the ability to watch (Y/n) and Barton be rivals, was quite a pleasing notion. His curiosity finally getting the better of him, as he watched the female Avenger do her best to finish cleaning up the black foam that had filled her bathroom.

"May I ask you a question..............?"

"I suppose, if you must...................." (Y/n) replied, as she blew a few strands of hair away from her face. Loki gesturing to the dark smudge that covered her nose. The Avenger making her way over to the mirror and rubbing the mark off with her sleeve.

"What has happened between you and Barton.................?"

" offered to help. You said that you would assist me to get my own back on Clint, and I agreed. Whatever has happened between he and I is nothing to do with you. And if you even think about trying to read my mind, you will find yourself lacking that head of dark hair of yours." (Y/n) growled, giving the god a warning look, before dropping in the chair across from him.

"Now...........tell me what you have..............."

"Fine............tell me, what does Mister Barton care about the most..........?

"You mean other than himself...............? Well, it would be his............bows!" (Y/n) answered. Her eyes lighting up at the thought of it. The female Avenger jumping to her feet, before grabbing hold of Loki's hand and pulling him out of the room. The god having no idea about the soft smile that kissed her lips, as they made their way to where Clint kept his prized possessions. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book TwoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ